Chapter-12: The Breakfast

Sya's POV:

The sun rose the next day and I was ready to leave just as I had decided. Although I had no place in mind to go to but I couldn't let myself be a burden to someone, especially Kane. After I went down in the nightclothes Cara had given me to wear, to tell Kane I was ready to leave, he wouldn't listen.

He made me shut my mouth by saying, "You have no place to live right now and we have no issue with you being here. You can stay here as long as you want." He had almost snapped at me and him getting mad at me was the last thing I wanted to see. I decided to accept his offer and promised myself that as soon I got my first paycheck from the café, I would search for a place on rent though I was not sure how much money Jason would actually give me since I skipped the day after Kane made that mess.

A week passed by after that, pretty uneventful. Kane and Bryson got my stuff from my Aunt's house. They never told me how they managed to get it though. Jason promised not to cut off money from my paycheck for this month and, I loved it here! I came to know that Kane and Bryson were cousins and they lived here alone. Their families lived somewhere in England and the two of them were here for college. Sometimes, I found myself wondering, why here? I mean, there were plenty of nice colleges in England as well but they had simply shrugged and said they needed a change. So, they moved to an entirely different country altogether.

I was just glad they came here because, in that way, I met Kane. And speaking of Kane. After that hug, it was somehow awkward between us for a few days. Every time he would walk into a room I would already be in, I blushed like crazy and either ran out or refused to look at him. Finally, after like 3 days, Bryson caught me up and told me Kane had a bit of alcohol that night. I couldn't say I wasn't a bit disappointed but that helped us get on normally again. On the other hand, Bryson was an absolute sweetheart. He was the funniest man I had ever met. Not that I had met any other men except Kane, Bryson, and John, out of which if I was ever given the choice, I'd torture John to death. But still, Bryson was so funny and sweet. He had a very unique and attractive charm to him. I was really glad Hannah had him.

I walked into the kitchen for breakfast and greeted Bryson who was sitting on the stool near the island, a mug of coffee in one hand and his phone in the other. He looked up when he heard me and waved like an excited kid.

"Hey, Sya! How are you this morning?" Bryson said, smiling at me. I smiled back and took a seat beside him. The aroma of freshly made pancakes filled the air, making my mouth water slightly.

"I feel great thanks," I replied rather cheerfully and looked around the kitchen, searching for a certain pair of grey-blue eyes. When I couldn't find them, I turned to Bryson who was already stuffing his mouth with pancakes. That man was so quick I tell you! I looked away for a second and he was already shoving down food.

"Where is Kane?" I asked him, trying to keep it casual. Like I wasn't dying to know why he wasn't here with us. Bryson tried to reply but since his mouth was full of pancakes, he ended up sputtering some of the bits onto the counter, speaking absolute gibberish meanwhile. I laughed and then made a grossed out face. He quickly munched his food and answered after he'd swallowed it down.

"I don't know. You know he rarely joins us for breakfast. So it's nothing unusual if he doesn't show up," he shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee. I huffed. Ever since I had come here, a week ago, Kane had not joined us for breakfast even once. I hadn't asked Bryson why before because I thought he'd come down someday but after a complete miss on the fifth day, I figured he wasn't just coming. I couldn't tell why but I was worried for him. Or maybe you know, because you like him! Shut up brain!

"Okay then," I muttered under my breath. I stood up and made a tray of breakfast with the delicious pancakes Cara had just made. Cara was an amazing cook with an amazing personality. She was the housekeeper and took care of the house so well. I was amazed by how she managed to take care of such a big house single-handedly.

I made my way to Kane's room, the one he had told me about the night I first came here. I never went to his room after that though. I would always find him or Bryson in the living room. Never felt the need to pay his room a visit. I gently knocked.

No response.

*knock* *knock*

Again no response.

“Kane?” I called out. “I brought you breakfast.” When he didn't answer me again, I placed my hand on the doorknob and gently twisted it. The door opened and I peeked in a bit. No one was there. I walked inside and placed the tray on his nightstand. My eyes wandered around the room and I noticed it was decorated just like the rest of the house. Black with a slight blend of other colors. The other colors being dark grey and navy blue. His room was majorly simple. Apart from the beautiful wallpaper, curtains, and furniture, it had no decorations you could find inside a typical college boy's room, like posters and games. He also had a desk against the wall adjacent to his bed but that was it. It was all simple.

I was busy looking around when I heard a click behind me. I quickly turned around to look at the source and explain why I was inside his room.

“Kane I brought-" I never got to finish my sentence. All color drained from my face and I froze. There, in the bathroom doorway, stood Kane Wilson shirtless. His wet hair was matted to his forehead.

His tight jeans were loosely hung around his waist, all of his eight abs on display. Yes, my dear goodness! Eight and not six! OH MY! I think I'm going to faint! How do you breathe because I don't remember how to breathe!

"I think- I uh came here to- you weren't- I think I should go," I stuttered, blushing furiously, trying to look at everything and anything in the room but him. I ran towards the room door but never got to open it. Sparks erupted from my wrist where Kane grabbed me and spun me around. I crashed into him because of the sudden pull, my face merely inches away from his. I gasped as I looked into his gray-blue eyes which were intently piercing mine. My breath hitched in my throat because of the close proximity at which we were standing. And the fact that he was shirtless was not helping me either.

My mouth was gaping open like a fish. His face was rigid yet calm as he stared into my eyes. His eyes were taking in every inch of my face and his gaze dropped to my lips. My heart was beating so hard I was sure it was going to break my ribcage and jump out of my chest any moment.

His eyes traveled back to my eyes and again flickered back to my lips. My gaze also traveled to his lips and I noticed he was leaning in. I nearly got a panic attack and my body was paralyzed. I didn't have any control over myself anymore. It was as if my limbs had a mind of their own. I could only see him leaning closer and closer as his breath fanned my face and closed my eyes in anticipation. His fresh cologne had blocked my senses completely.

When he was just a centimeter away from my lips, a loud knock at the door brought me back to earth. I immediately jumped away from him and turned my head towards the door.

"Hey! It's time for college Kane! Hurry up if you don't want to be late," Bryson shouted. He walked away and the sound of his footsteps faded. When I looked back at Kane he was still standing there but a step away from me. His eyes were shut with irritation and he was mumbling something under his breath. I think I caught a cuss word and ‘Bryson'.

I quickly opened the door and bolted out of the room, away from all the heat. My heart was still hammering in my chest as I made my way back to my room and grabbed my bag. I walked out of the house to the car where Bryson was waiting. My body seemed to be working on autopilot mode and my mind was still in a haze because of what just happened. Or was going to happen. Everything seemed surreal, just like a dream.

After sometime Kane also walked out of the house but I didn't dare to look at him or more precisely, into his unfairly magnetizing eyes.

The ride to the college was silent except for the song Bryson hummed to playing on the radio.

When the car stopped in the parking lot of the college, I was the first one to jump out. But Bryson beat me to it because he walked taking huge strides and left me far behind. I didn’t stop though. I practically ran around the building, purposefully using the back door to enter, assuming Kane would use the front. But somebody grabbed my wrist and I was spun around for the second time that day. My face met with a hard chest and the delicious scent immediately told me it was Kane. Again. He put his muscular arms around me and caged me against his body. My face blushed for the millionth time since I'd met him and my heart raced at an abnormal speed. I wondered if he had any idea what kind of effect he had on me. His presence had on me. His chest rumbled against my face as he spoke.

"I'm sorry! I lost control when I saw you in my room earlier,” he paused for a second, taking a deep breath, before continuing. “It’s so difficult to avoid you, that too, when we live under the same roof." As soon as the words left his mouth, they slashed through my heart, shattering it to pieces. It was difficult for him to avoid me? Why would he want to avoid me? Does he hate me? Is that why it’s difficult for him to avoid me? But if he does hate me, why did he bring me to his house?

"Sya I like you so much. I'm done trying to fight it. The urge to hold you in my arms, to hug you, kiss you. I can't bear to stay away from you anymore. I want you in my arms every minute of the day," he continued, placing his lips on my head and inhaling through my hair. His words sent my mind and heart into a freaking frenzy. My shattered heart was immediately sewn back together by this beautiful person named Kane Wilson. Tears of happiness poured out of my eyes. I was so overwhelmed by his confession that I broke down right there, in his arms. When he realized I had started crying, he pulled away a little so he could look at me.

He wiped away my tears using his thumbs and cupped my face with his warm hands.

"Sya Summers, will you be my girlfriend? So I can have every right to kiss you?" He asked, giving me an extremely handsome toothy smile which made my knees weak. His eyes were filled with love and adoration, which I had always craved for.

A small smile appeared on my face and I mumbled a tiny 'Yes'. I couldn't find my voice at all. His eyes lit up with joy. He started to lean in again to finish what he had started earlier this morning. But it suddenly occurred to me that this was going to be my first ever kiss and the setting was far from romantic. We were both standing behind the college building, a trash can just a few meters away from us. There is no way I'm having my first kiss like this!

I immediately pulled away and couldn't help but chuckle as he frowned at me in the most adorable way ever. It was an almost pout.

"Hey! That's not fair!" He whined and began to walk towards me so he could pin me in his arms again but I ran away. It was a really rare side of Kane that I got to witness at that moment. The playful, scorn-free Kane. He was smiling and laughing. Which was much different from his usual stiff and serious appearance. And to be honest, I loved this childish and playful side of his.

"Not now, my dear boyfriend. We have to get to class," I yelled over my shoulder, trying to take long strides to get away from him. I pushed open the backdoor but he caught up beside me and kissed my cheek, which made my cheeks glow red.

I playfully glared towards him but melted instantly after seeing his gorgeous smile.

"What? Can't I kiss my girlfriend on the cheek?" He asked playfully, arching an eyebrow upward. I laughed and hit his shoulder playfully. “If Kane Wilson wants a kiss from his girlfriend, he must wait,” I told him. The doors had swung shut again.

“I'll always wait for you,” he answered quietly, lacing his hand through mine. My tiny fingers fit so well with his big ones. He gave my hand a tiny, reassuring squeeze and I smiled so wide, my jaw hurt. But I wasn't going to stop. I was going to smile all I wanted to. Because of this happiness right here, it was all mine.

I hadn't felt this light, this happy in a long time. And I wished it would stay for long this time. I sincerely hoped it would.