Chapter-13: Double Date

Sya's POV:

Kane and I stepped into the almost empty hallway, happily enjoying our moment together as we walked to our first class. Horror washed through me when Kane opened the door to the classroom and the entire room fell silent. But the thing that dreaded me the most wasn't the sudden silence or the jealous glares of other girls on watching me and Kane together. It was the fact that my best friend was sitting at her desk with an angry scowl resting on her face. Her eyes dropped to my hand in Kane's and her scowl only deepened.

She glared at me for a moment and then turned her face away. Before I had a chance to say something to her or do anything, the teacher entered the class and I took my seat beside her. The whole time she wouldn't talk to me or even look at me and that was killing me from inside. Guilt was eating me alive as I looked at her indifferent presence through the corners of my eyes.

That day when John planned to murder me, she had to return to her hometown because her father was ill. It had been a week since she had gone to visit and take care of him. I didn't know she was back. We barely had time to talk.

I knew why she was angry with me though. It was because I hadn't contacted her and she got to know about us by either spotting us right now or through Bryson. She must be angry that I hadn't told her anything. But what could I do? Even though the guys had brought back a little bit of my stuff, not all of it, they had failed to find my cellphone. I didn't have it with me right now and I was still a little traumatized because of the things I had to go through in that house. I think she’d understand and forgive me when I’d tell her. Hannah was a sweetheart by nature and I had full faith in her.

The rest of the classes went by like that until it was lunchtime. As soon as I saw her, I ran to catch up with her and grabbed her arm from behind to stop her. She turned around and yanked her arm out of my hold as if it physically hurt her. My heart ached at that. We rarely ever fought before.

"What?" She snapped at me with an angry glare which shattered my heart and I teared up a bit. She was more precious to me than she thought she was.

"I’m sorry Hannah, but I can explain I swear! Please just listen to me once," I pleaded, constantly looking into her cold eyes. Her hostile demeanor faded out a bit and I saw her features become warm again. The same way they've always been for me. She's still my Hannah no matter how angry she is at me.

She masked her face with anger again. However, it wasn't as hard as it was before. She nodded curtly and began to walk ahead, leading me to an abandoned classroom. She turned to me as soon as we stepped inside and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for me to start explaining.

I took a deep breath and began to tell her every detail of that night. When I returned home, what happened with Elijah, Kane finding me barefoot on the side of the road and bringing me to his house, and whatever happened during the following week. She looked horrified at the revelations and her face softened. She no longer looked mad, annoyed, or angry. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"I'm really sorry, Sy! I got angry at you for not contacting me without even knowing you were going through so much. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry. I should have known that something might happen to you. I shouldn't have left in the first place. I--" She apologized profusely and started crying. That was Hannah, the most purest person out there. She cried when I hurt and got angry when somebody hurt me. Tears welled up in my eyes too but not because of my tragic story. But because I had got my best friend back.

"It's okay. It's not your fault," I told her, trying to calm her down and rubbed her back with my hands. We stood there for a while like that when she abruptly pulled away. She now looked like she needed another explanation. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You didn't tell me about you getting together with Kane!" She exclaimed. I suddenly felt more shy than I was before and tucked my hair behind my ear as I remembered his confession from this morning.

"Well uh- we did get together this morning right before coming into the college building,” I told her nervously. She raised her eyebrows, looking amused.

"Okay so? Tell me all the details Sy, and when I say all I mean all," she looked kind of intimidating for someone who looked like a baby chipmunk.

"Well, he asked me to be his girlfriend and…" I trailed off and she broke out into the biggest grin you could've ever seen on her.

"And what did you say?" She further probed.

"And I said yes," I answered, blushing furiously. She jumped up and down in excitement, then grabbed me in a bear hug. She seriously looked like a little kid on caffeine. No wonder she and Bryson were dating each other. They were both the same!

"Oh, Sya! I'm really happy for you!" She yelled. Then she suddenly pulled away with an angry sort of expression. "He’d better keep you happy. If he hurts you I’m going to break his bones," she deadpanned. She looked absolutely adorable but her tone was really scary. I laughed so hard, in a way I hadn't in so long. I really love Hannah. She was always there for me when I needed her and I'm sure she'll always be there when I will.

"Let's go. I would like to have a heart-to-heart with Mr. Wilson,” she declared, linking my arm with hers and dragging me out of the class towards the cafeteria.

Poor Kane.

The atmosphere at our lunch table was slightly heavier than usual. Hannah was staring at Kane all the time while he squirmed under her gaze beside me. I merely laughed looking at Bryson who was shaking his head at Kane. After about 15 minutes, Kane leaned in and whispered into my ear, “Why is she staring at me like that?”

“I told her we're dating,” I whisper back.

Hannah slammed her fork into the steak, making both Kane and Bryson jump.

“So, Kane Wilson,” she began, resting her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. “Now that you have asked Sya out, what's your plan?”

Kane cleared his throat and for the first time, he actually looked nervous, “I uh- haven't really thought of-"

Hannah banged her hand on the table, cutting him off, “Haven't thought of it?! Listen, boy, if you ever hurt my best friend, I'll shove my fist so far up your-"

“Okay, okay babe. That's enough,” Bryson interrupted, putting his arms around her shoulders and drawing her close. “Don't scare away the poor boy.”

I was laughing so hard, my vision had blurred. Hannah was still glaring at Kane, who was still fidgeting. I rubbed his shoulder in an attempt to soothe him a bit and smiled at Hannah, who was now giggling like a schoolgirl at whatever Bryson was saying. The duality of this chick.

I suddenly felt my hand being enveloped in a warmth I had become so familiar with during these past few days. Kane laced our fingers together under the table and held my hand firmly, sending shock waves up my arm and a shiver down my spine.

Guess I'll never get used to this.


"Oh My God Sya! Your room is so beautiful!" Hannah exclaimed as she walked around my room, looking at it in awe. After college, Hannah came with us to see where I was staying. Protective much! I find her so cute.

"Yeah, I like it too," I said, watching her with amusement flickering in my eyes. She noticed me staring at her in amusement and walked over to me.

"What?" She asked, confused. I just grinned and shook my head.

"Nothing. Just wondering how you seem really happy these days. I bet Bryson has something to do with it. How many dates have you two gone on?" I asked, a teasing edge to my voice. She had her fun with my boyfriend. Now it was my turn. Her cheeks turned bright red and she frowned. She was blushing but it wasn't a shy type of blush. She looked more sad and embarrassed, a reaction I was not at all expecting.

"What happened?" I asked, feeling concerned now. She hesitated for a second, shifting her gaze here and there, and then opened her mouth.

"Actually, we haven't even gone on a single date yet,” she mumbled, looking down at her shoes in embarrassment.

"WHAT?! YOU HAVEN'T GONE ON A DATE?! NOT EVEN ONCE?!" I yelled at her, more surprised than angry. How could this be possible? It had been a month and she hadn't gone out with him even once. Bryson really needs to step up his game.

"And why is that?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest. “Why hasn't Bryson asked you out yet? Do you want me to talk to him? I'll surely piece him up bit by bit for not treating my best friend like a princess!” How come they didn't go out? Knowing Bryson, he wouldn't have waited this long to ask Hannah out. Why'd he stall?

“No! No,” she exclaimed, panicked. “It's not his fault. He’s asked me out like eight times ever since we started dating. I'm the one who refused.”

Now I felt even more confused than before, “Why though?”

She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes as she began, "I didn't want to go out and celebrate my happiness when I knew you were being abused and unhappy. It didn't feel right and I'd just have you on my mind all the time. It wouldn't be fair to either you or Bryson." Her words melted my heart like mush and I enveloped her in a comforting embrace. We stayed like that for a while then I pulled away.

"But I'm okay and out of their clutches, right? Plus, now I have Kane too. What if we go on a double date?" I suggested, joy flickering in my eyes. She grinned and suddenly started to drag me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the boys. Let's do it. Let's go on that double date!" She cried excitedly. I felt panic take over. I was merely suggesting it. I didn't think she'd actually drag me to the boys to set it all up.

"No, no, no. We can't," I protested as I tried to stop her but she wouldn't budge. When did this chick get this strong? She turned to look at me and scowled.

"Why?" She asked as if it was no big deal.

"We can't! Are you insane? Which girlfriend asks her boyfriend on a date? It's their place to ask not ours!" I whisper-yelled at her, afraid someone might hear this embarrassing conversation. Her mouth formed an 'o' and she nodded.

"But at least we can give them a hint to ask us on one," she said and resumed dragging me towards Kane's room. I facepalmed myself for trying to reason with her stupid mind. But as we got near to the door, my heart began to race uncontrollably as images of this morning flashed through my mind. Images of Kane's beautiful eyes staring into mine. Our faces just an inch apart. His hands on my waist-

Hannah nudged me and the little euphoria of our romance broke. I sighed and looked at her.

"Are we going in or not?" She asked, her head pressed against the door. What was she trying to listen to? I nodded. She wasn't going to give up and I somehow wanted to go on this double date too. I softly knocked on the door and she looked at me like I was an alien. I shrugged. What else was I supposed to do? She shook her head, simply walked past me, and opened the door.

I stared at her in astonishment as she walked into the room without permission. I immediately ran behind her to stop her but we were already in. Kane and Bryson were standing near the window where a beautiful view of green trees could be seen. They had been looking out the window, standing with their hands shoved into their pockets and talking, I presumed.

They turned around when they heard us stumbling into the room. Kane looked straight at me. Our eyes locked for a second and in the next one, he was standing in front of me and immediately took me into his embrace. He did it so fast, I was caught completely off guard. He nuzzled his face into my hair and I heard a sharp intake of breath. My heart fluttered and my stomach churned with anticipation. Our moment was interrupted when we heard someone whine. I looked over Kane's shoulder.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Bryson winced, clutching his arm. Hannah glared at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"See! Kane loves his girlfriend more than you do. Look how he is all over her and you didn't even say hi to me," Hannah complained, pouting angrily. Bryson looked like he'd made a mistake so big, he would have to walk the plank or something.

He pecked Hannah on the lips, taking her by surprise. Then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.

Seeing this cute couple and their funny little banter made me smile. I hadn't realized, though, that I was still in Kane's arms when I felt his breath on my neck. "I also want to kiss your beautiful lips. When am I allowed to?" He whispered in a low husky voice that sent chills down my spine. I couldn't control my body as it shivered when his breath tickled my neck. He simply chuckled indicating that he had noticed what kind of effect he had on me and it was enough to make me blush again. I suddenly felt hot all over.

I was already so nervous when he placed a kiss on my neck, effectively sending another shiver down my spine. "Don't worry. I can wait for whenever you're ready," he whispered into my ear again. I was at a loss for words so I simply gave him a small smile, which was returned with his heart-melting gorgeous one.

"Can I take you out tonight, on a date?" He asked, this time away from my ear and out loud so that Bryson and Hannah also heard him.

"Okay. If Bryson and Hannah also come. I mean, we can all go on a double date," I said, hoping Bryson wouldn't mind. Kane nodded and looked at the couple in question, standing beside me with his arm still around my waist.

Bryson didn't look like he minded but he did look slightly nervous. The poor boy must've gotten tired of being turned down so he was hesitant. "Please don't say no this time," he pleaded, holding Hannah’s hands in his.

She didn't reply right away, making him even more anxious. I laughed internally. She was playing him. Hannah took her sweet time thinking and looking at her boyfriend. Just when I thought she'd say no to drag this a little longer, she grinned and nodded, “I wouldn't say no for the world Bryson.”

Bryson's grin widened to the point where I thought it might break his face. “Thank you, my love!” He kissed Hannah's cheek and grabbed her in a very tight hug.

“B-Bryson can't- breathe,” Hannah's tiny voice came over his shoulder. He pulled away, still laughing.

"So where are we going?" I asked, trying to pull the two out of that little heat bubble they’d just made around themselves. Kane smirked, looking at me. That alone sent me to heaven. Even his smirk was a billion dollars worth hot! Okay! Will you stop screaming brain?

"It's for us to know and you to find out," he said slyly, pointing at Hannah and me. Hannah walked over and almost snatched me out of Kane's arms wrapped around my waist and began to drag me with her out of the room. I looked at her with wide eyes. She only smirked evilly.

Soon we heard Kane yelling behind us.

"Bryson!! Your girlfriend is trying to steal my girl!" And we burst into a fit of laughter.