Chapter 3

I was very distraught while hoping to receive good news from the doctor. But instead of two, three hours passed without any news. After 5 hours of time, the doctor comes to my house and tells me that my daughter's body has not rejected the procedure but that she is still unconscious. Two days later, the doctors gave me permission to get out of bed and go see her. 10 minutes after I enter her room to see her she opens her eyes and starts crying. Since the birth of my daughter it was the first time that she cried out in tears. While she was crying we were also crying but tears of joy. But This joy was only fleeting. Rest assured Mercy was not deceased she survived. Ooh yes I called my daughter Mercy which means mercy. But once we got home to Romeo it became a real pain after a week of tender affection. Seems like the whole family didn't want to see me and my daughter anymore. But I didn't want to say anything to my mother who lived only a few meters from us. Even when she came to visit us I did everything to hide my sorrows. But as they say, the news travels very quickly. My mother learned what Romeo's family was doing to me so she decided to take me with her to spend a few days with. You will probably wonder how my stepfather was going to react. Yes thank God he had traveled for a period of two weeks. So I could enjoy these moments with my darling mom. It's true that my mom took so much care of us that in just three days my daughter and I had changed a lot. It is true that nothing in the world can replace the love of a real mother for her children. All the neighbors were so surprised at the change that my daughter and I had presented. At this time my mother started by selling our local alcohol commonly called "sodabi" with us.

And also "Akpan balls" accompanied by different sauces which was also a food from our region. And I, I give him a hand until we close. It was a good idea from my mother because thanks to this sale she is able to support my brothers without the help of their father. The two weeks had already passed so I went back to Romeo before he came home. But every day I came to help my mother and in the end she gave me 5 thousand CFA francs. But that did not make happy my father who always did not help my mother. So to spoil his market sometimes he empties the sodabi cans and offers them to his friends or he overturns them on the floor in my mother's absence. In short, he did everything that could lead to my mother failing. He even tried to murder her at least three times. But all of this never stopped my mom from serving her as a bride, just to leave us her children alone. One day when my mother caught her in the act of spilling her cans, he beat him very severely. My mother had to take a break and go for treatment. She was hospitalized for three days. On her return home she went back to the kitchen to bring her customers back. Without them what will become of us? So very quickly we started to prepare again and bring in customers. My step dad was very angry when he saw this. Really in this life there are people even without doing anything they will hate you to death especially if you focus on doing only good. But a word of advice: never stop doing what you are doing. One day you will eat the fruits of your efforts.

My mother did not stop serving her as always. And it didn't even chill her back. And it always continued in the same direction.

Ten years later my brother Kevin had already obtained his bachelor's degree. But for lack of employment in our country, he had entered a workshop to learn masonry. But 6 months later he preferred to help us in the kitchen because the lack of employment will mean that he will spend more time than expected in his apprenticeship.

One evening when the three of us were in the kitchen cooking and serving customers, my mother's phone rang after hanging up she started to cry saying that my stepdad just had a serious accident and that 'he was between life and death. Even if he's mean, that's not why his death will please us. My father left Kevin and me in the kitchen and went to the hospital. Arrived at the hospital, she saw my father-in-law, her husband, sitting in the waiting hall. What a relief for her !! She approached her and asked her:

- What are you doing here?

- I am turning the question back to you he said

- My mother: I had learned that you had a serious accident that's why I'm here

- Him: No, it wasn't me. I won't give you the pleasure of dying so soon. Old witch

: Aah! excuse me for worrying about you. I'm going back home.

: Yes that's it, go crazy woman.

My mother came home and broke the news to us. It was not he who was injured but a passenger he was carrying on his motorcycle taxi.

I admit that his death would give me a little pleasure anyway, but my mother was the father of her children so she will be sad. He's an old pig and a professional wizard. He gets on my nerves. If I had the chance, I would kill him myself. That way my mother will be free even if she will be sad, she will get over it.

A week later, a friend of Kevin's who was a principal in a private school offered him a job as a teacher in his establishment and he passed the competition with flying colors. But with us teachers are not considered too much and are poorly paid, but it is better than nothing. The following week, Kevin began his new job and was paid 35 thousand francs at the end of the month. A month after he got his first paycheck he fell seriously ill and his 35 miles spent them all. And although our mom and I were supportive of her, her case only got worse. One day the doctor said to my mother "Madam, I know my job well and I have taken an oath to save lives. But I do not forget that we are in Africa. The best advice to give you is to take your son to a healing priest. I have done everything in my power but the result is always the same. " What are we going to do ? Luckily my mom had a healing brother named Jack. But we wanted to wait until the next day to drive Kevin home. But in the evening, Kévin started having fits and convulsions. So very quickly they took him to Jack who at the same time saw him start by preparing magic potions to calm him down. After a few dozen of his treatments, Kevin finally calmed down. And he started by checking out his fetishes to see what was wrong. And he began to say "Hmmm ... Life !! Man is really a predator for whom his preys are also his fellows, that is to say Man"

: My sister, your son is sick but spiritually. And it is his father who has the cause.