Claire's P.O.V.
I woke up from my deep sleep to the sound of a door closing. The medicines threw me into the slumber of unconsciousness. But it was mainly not the sound of it that woke me up but the feel of someone's murmuring beside me, which I first thought of as a dream, a hallucination but it only grew and when I finally woke up, there was no one, - the room was empty and silent. I took a deep breath and smelled a light fragrant of coconut perfume.
I was right, there was someone. A female actually. I looked at the side for the time and it was 5:30 in the morning. It was just a little dark outside. I pushed myself up carefully and sat straight and only then did I see a bouquet of flowers near me. I moved forward and picked them up.
A harsh breath escaped my mouth as I looked at those white flowers, tinted, without any doubt with nothing but blood. I just knew it was blood and it made me feel disgusted. Whose blood it could have been? Who else did he kill?