Chapter 9: Boys' Outing

We could see a blue and calm sky, the view directed us to Shiro and red in the classroom both sitting in some seats attending papers.

Shiro: *shudder* ha... god what a bore ...

Red: sleep problems ?

Shiro: I wish it would be easier to sleep most of the time, but it's so boring I can't even sleep.

Red: well it doesn't cause any problems for us.

Shiro: Maybe it's because this boredom is due to the fact that Professor Devil is attending to important matters and while we're in written classes instead of physical ones.

Red: it's annoying to be beaten all the time.

Shiro: honestly I don't do bad with the written classes everything itself is really easy that's the problem.

Red: mm I guess it's true so many written exams can be boring but you're the only one who loves getting beaten up

Shiro: the strength comes from the difficulty not from writing!

Red: don't be naive think about it you think professor devil is dumb he's making us train our mind to improve our concentration.

Shiro: *sigh* I don't have that problem.

Red: well all you have to do is wait for the physical training to resume.

Black: guys!

Shiro: black you're finally here I thought you wouldn't come considering you summoned us here.

Black: sorry but I had delays the girls went out to do some things and before I left they cornered me asking me a lot of questions.

Shiro: now I'm curious what they're up to.

Black: that doesn't matter now! watch this!

Black would show an ad for a casino

Red: ... let me ask you what the hell you're planning

Shiro: I'm also curious as to why you're showing us a casino advertisement.

Black: it's the city's casino and many people have gone there and made a lot of money. Just think about it, we are considered adults and we can go there and make money.

Red: You forget the fact that you can't go out.

Shiro: Last time... it didn't go well.

Black: well guess what I found out something interesting it turns out that not being able to go out in the city is a lie if we can go out under certain conditions.

Shiro: conditions?

Black: Well, the upperclassmen told me something that was a favor for rookies like us, the truth is that we can go out as long as they don't catch us escaping, it serves as training for our stealth skills.

Red: We can leave the academy but not in a normal way.

Shiro: exactly who made that rule

Black: the director

Shiro: sometimes I wonder what's going on in his head.. but I partly understand that normal doesn't make you stronger this academy is so out of the ordinary.

Red: it's a bummer this place but anyway.. so what's your plan?

Black: easy to take money and bet it all, we'll double it and go out and enjoy it like never before.

Shiro: if you know that gambling can lead to doom.

Black: look at it this way at some point we will need to use the money here and I don't think our families will send us money forever.

Shiro: ( he's right .. my master taught me that you can't always depend on others ) I'll accept for this one time.

Red: .. well other than that we are going to one of the places that can decide when we leave if you will be somebody or a bum on the street ... I accept

Black: great ! tonight we'll go out and take some money and I'll go get ready *he leaves*.

Shiro: seriously Red, why did you accept?

Red: Black is like my brother... and well... I'm afraid he'll get addicted to gambling.

Shiro: you don't think someone can get addicted in a day?

Red: in the time you know him what do you think of him?

Shiro: watch him well and if he cheats he didn't come with us.

Red: noted

At night

When the night came we escaped from the security of the institute I could feel a presence that was watching us, then I confirmed that Black's suspicions were right to go out to the city we have to do it stealthily.

This academy takes something normal from everyday life to something new that trains you every day.

Shiro: then we're ready

Black: Casino pay or die

Red: I'm worried about the name

Shiro: me too but we're already here.

Black: okay how much money do they have

Since the kingdoms maintain the alliance a currency was created that is used all the time apart from the jewels like gold, ruby etc.. It represents a single monetary value.

This currency is used all over the world and there is no other currency for all the kingdoms allowing the exchange of products.

Although with the technological advances we also have credit cards.

This currency or paper money is called dollar

Red: I currently have five hundred thousand dollars

Black: You seem to have saved a lot, I have six hundred thousand dollars in my case.

Shiro: one million dollars

Red/Black: ......... What?

Shiro: did I say something weird?

Red: besides that's a lot of money and only nobles can afford it since you have so much!

Black: if it's true, are you a noble of the human kingdom?

Shiro: of course not , he was an ordinary person in the kingdom , however he had multiple jobs soldier , mercenary and sometimes royal guard .

Black: with those jobs I'm not worried about our security at all.

Red: I'm worried about him claiming to be an ordinary person with those jobs.

Shiro: then everyone will go for a different game to make the most out of their skills.

Red: let's get our heads straight first if everyone is going to go for a game remember to get caught if you're going to cheat get the hell out of here and ignore this I say this to you Black.

Black: Come on dude you don't think I would do that

Red: I'm going to the machines

Shiro: I'll go to the cards

Black: wait for me!

Two hours later

Shiro: Black, stop it!

Black: it's not safe yet I've almost got the blackjack!

Shiro: black please you have twenty the only chance is a one you're not going to get it!

Black: ...I'll do it I must do it

Shiro: red help here!

Red: I'm busy I need to get the three cherries on this machine and so far I'm close.

Shiro:... so... we were hoping not to turn this into a vice and you guys are already on it...

Another two hours

Black: we double our money if !

Shiro: considering that if I'm not there to guide you you'd be very poor.

Black: but it turned out all right

At that moment the clacking of heels walking towards Shiro would be heard , the men would turn around gaping at the violet haired woman with long silky hair that dazzled attention a beautiful black dress that showed a little skin on top and lips painted red showing the seriousness and beauty of a mature woman.

Amber: nice to meet you, my name is Amber, the owner of this casino, can we talk?

Shiro: I'm sorry but I'll have to decline.

Amber: what a naughty young man come on, don't you want to come with me and meet a real woman?

This one would make a vulgar pass at Shiro by showing her cleavage.

Shiro: I'm not interested red, black let's go.

Red/Black: Yes

Shiro: ( the others may be like fools watching that woman but her atmosphere is different she is using seductive magic in the air, black and red realized they should use protective magic and I well I use the aura of tranquility to calm the carnal instincts of a man )

Amber: You see I don't think you can refuse.

Shiro: because ? we didn't break any rules of your casino the fact that we got more money is a matter of luck.

Amber: oh honey when it comes to luck there is no one who has more than me you see your friends didn't do anything but your friends did ?

Shiro: hey what are you talking about?

Red: oh shit

Black: no way

At that some elegantly dressed women would start walking where Shiro is.

An angel wearing a white but sensual dress showing her thighs.

an elf who was wearing a short skirt dress and had an embarrassed attitude

and lastly a semi human who had a very revealing dress from her thighs showing her fox tail and her breasts through her cleavage showing she was not wearing a bra.

The atmosphere got tense Shiro got angry not only red and black but also the girls' eyes widen when they saw the guys Zoe was shocked.

Shiro: Zoe!?

Zoe: Shiro!?

Shiro/Zoe: What are you doing here!?

How Zoe and the girls had ended up in those clothes, in that place because they also had an outing, a girls outing.

To be continued ...