Chapter 10: feelings

The situation was as follows, the anger inside Shiro was enormous, his friends were behind that beautiful woman called Amber, from his point of view she was holding them hostage, however Zoe was the first one to speak up.

Zoe: wait! don't get the wrong idea please, she's my cousin!

Shiro: What?

Several hours earlier

Before black went to talk to shiro and red the girls had cornered him what was the reason for this.

Black: What the hell is wrong with all of you!?

Lili: black, how well do you know shiro?

Black: No better than you do, what's going on?

Luci: It's none of your business! just answer our questions!

Zoe: relax girls, it's not that big of a deal

Lili: of course it is! now tell us everything you know!

The girls' eyes glowed red

Black: I don't know anything about his life, I only know his social situation, he's like everyone else, he's single, he likes to train, and he's someone unusual as far as that goes.

He said all that while his face was sweating from fear.

Lili: you can go thank you black

He quickly runs out of the place.

Black: ( I was supposed to meet with red and shiro I have to hurry or else these crazy girls will come after me again )

Luci: then we can be happy can't we ?

Lili: that's right *smiles* isn't it great Zoe

Zoe: they didn't have to catch black like that to find out what he was doing.

Luci: despite shiro's looks we couldn't guarantee he's a bachelor

Lili: so when did you start liking him?

Zoe: I don't like him, he's just a friend!

Luci: seriously it's been several weeks since the supposed incident of their fight, you can't say they're just friends after they hugged.

Lili: come on tell us do you like him ?

Zoe: *blushing* even if it's like this what does it matter ... my family wouldn't allow it.

Her face showed a little bit of annoyance her family situation was a mystery but if she was saying it it had to be for a reason

Luci: i don't understand if they see shiro's strength they will understand you will be able to propose to him and...

Zoe: so what? he'll reciprocate like in those hero and princess stories...

Lili: Zoe...

Zoe: this... it's real life girls... even if a miracle happens and my family will accept him I understand I... tell him how I feel what would happen... ... it could lead to rejection and tell me I don't like him or I don't see you that way.

Luci: Zoe! don't belittle yourself, you are a semi-human of the fox lineage, very beautiful, I assure you that many would like your beauty.

Zoe: But ... Shiro doesn't care about that.

Luci: what are you talking about don't be pessimistic ...

Zoe: he doesn't care!.. since the incident with Zion many girls have been surrounding him.. i'm his partner i know.. i've seen him and he hasn't shown the slightest interest ...

Lili: but ..

Zoe: we women may believe that being beautiful doesn't give us an advantage over men that we have them in the palm of our hand that's a lie of the many men in the world most of them desire our body to please themselves...

Luci: Shiro, it's not like that!

Zoe: exactly .. and of those few who are not interested in physique .. better an ugly girl with a good heart and than a pretty and privileged girl ...

Tears were forming in Zoe's eyes shiro for her was like an anchor of support they started living together , they became friends shiro was learning from her and she was learning from him.

Zoe: you know... even though shiro may not love me I will continue to support him from the shadows.. he is an amazing human.

Hours later

Zoe: shiro went out a while ago... it seems like this place is lonely... with professor devil away the written exams must be bothering him.. he's more of a practice guy.. ha...

Knock knock

Master: hello !

Zoe: master ? what are you doing here

Master: *smiles* you have a family visit

Amber: long time no see.. cousin

Zoe: cousin amber..

Her eyes were shocked they couldn't believe what she was seeing

Amber: we need to talk about a matter .. but not here .. hey there is a member of her family and it's an important matter she can leave the academy right

Master: of course, I would never prevent a family reunion.. neither one of my interest.

Amber: tch ( I can't see the face of this guy but I know he is smiling shamelessly ) .. dress up and if you want you can bring your friends we will go out in the evening.

Moments later Lili and Luci arrived to the room seeing Amber walking past them the Master director had left earlier so you could clearly see her alone leaving Zoe's room.

Lili: something is wrong Zoe...

Zoe: no.. just a little unexpected surprise.

Luci: that woman who was she?

Zoe: Amber is my cousin, I haven't seen her for a long time even at home, she always travels around attending finances, she owns a lot of places from normal centers to casinos, she brings a lot of economic power to my family.

Luci: Zoe, who exactly is your family?

Zoe: .... is ... complicated

Lili: is there a problem?

Zoe: no... I don't know I'm going out with her tonight to talk about some business so if there are problems I'll know about it.

Lili: do you want us to come with you?

Zoe: really you would come

Luci: whether it's family issues or anything else we friends are also like a family we will always support each other , let's have a girls night out !

Zoe: *smiled* thank you girls !

She gave a gentle and honest smile of thanks as if she felt the relief of having to carry alone.

Zoe's situation is complicated so much that she trembled the presence of her cousin was something she feared.

presence of her cousin was something she dreaded

A fear in her heart lurked as if she knew something bad was going to happen.

In the evening

Before the kids left the academy, Zoe, Lili, Lucy and Amber quietly walked out of the academy.

On their way they saw a big casino , which name is pay or die

They were greeted by many men and women , the men wore a bodyguard costume while the women a typical maid costume

They all bowed before Amber showing respect and loyalty.

Amber: don't be nervous, this is something usual when it happens.

Lili: Yes... !

Lili was embarrassed more by her outfit you could tell it wasn't just her , lucy and even Zoe , the reason for those clothes was Amber

Zoe: we had to wear these embarrassing clothes.

Amber: I have to treat you with the best

Zoe: These clothes are embarrassing for me and my friends.

Amber: show some charisma and thank you, those revealing clothes give you power over the idiots of men, plus they are fine and luxurious.

Zoe: I'm not interested in conquering men.

Amber: with your face and body it's practically impossible you inherited my aunt's beauty, your mother leaves men dazzled.

Zoe: and my father crushes them if they touch her.

Amber: hahaha men believe that a woman is an object that you can define as yours or mine... but that object can manipulate you, men will do anything for a skirt.

Zoe: they are not all the same

Amber: you really think so? you tell me what if I get naked in front of a man and tell him to have sex with me, even if he doesn't have any logic he will refuse, be honest no one has enough to refuse sex.

Zoe: enough , tell me then ... what do we have to talk about ? i want to finish this quickly

Amber: .. let's go in first let's catch up and then we'll talk but it doesn't look like it's going to be quick.

Back to the present we are put in a room it was the vip room of the casino.

In it was red, Shiro, black, Luci, Lili and Zoe.

All gathered together looking at Amber sitting in a big chair showing her fox tails she also belonged to the semi human fox race bloodline but unlike Zoe she manifested 6 red fox tails

She would start to tell him the situation and why they are here with the girls.

Shiro: so what business do you have with Zoe?

Zoe: *shivers*

Shiro: ( Zoe you're scared because )

Amber: I will be direct and frank Zoe , you will be taken out of the academy and go home it was father's orders.

Those simple words were unnerving enough to leave everyone speechless.

Red: Wait! Why will she be taken out of the academy? She hasn't done anything wrong!

Shiro: It's true, she came here to become strong.

Lili: They can't just pull her out like that.

Amber: Zoe, you didn't tell them your situation or even tell them about your family.

Zoe: I don't think it's necessary

Amber: Poor cousin understands that saying it will take the hands of the vagabonds that try to touch a fine diamond.

Shiro: Zoe what's going on tell us at once...

Zoe: my full name is Zoe Fangs Of Blood

Shiro: I don't understand what your name has to do with it...

But instantly the pressure among the others would rise the faces of red and black were totally would be , Luci and Lili were mentally skeptical treating this as if it couldn't be true.. but their friend Zoe wouldn't lie that they know that.

Shiro: .. guys what the hell is going on

Red: *sighs heavily* shiro you know this world there is social class distinction in every realm.

Shiro: better than anyone else

Red: the thing is that Fangs Of Blood is the surname used by the king of the half-humans and is given to the royal family, wife and children.

Shiro: ......

His eyes would open and the silence in which he would fall all this time with whom he talked , laughed and even shared his night as roommates.

Zoe was the very princess of the semi-human kingdom herself.

Zoe: I'm sorry for hiding it.

Shiro: no... we can talk about it later... what is the reason you want to take her back?

Amber: to strengthen the ties between races in this case the orc race and the Semi-Human race it was dictated that the daughter of the Semi-Human race Zoe would marry a high level orc warrior that way both kingdoms would cooperate without limits.

Shiro: Hey... so Zoe it is...

Amber: I have come to warn you that we will leave in one day after that the remaining days will be subjected to the wedding, this I tell you is the word of the king and it is a matter of the semi-human race you nor the other races have no say in the matter except for the orc race so you are not allowed to do anything but watch and shut up.

He would show his eyes and face with authority and saying those words with a terrifying and unerring confidence as if they could do nothing

Zoe's friends were shaking their hands as they knew that it is impossible to intervene in diplomatic affairs of two species in agreement.

But shiro had a blank face

Zoe: shiro...


In his mind shiro was talking to himself as a reflection.

I always knew what to do for each situation

If I had to fight I did it, if I had to kill I did it for every situation.

There is always a solution death has no solution but everything else has.

It's not like that everything has a solution... So why...

Because I feel that I can't do anything, ... because I can't find a solution to this problem.

To be continued...