
Chapter 17: Vegas District

Devin heard voices through the cotton filling his ears. He didn’t move, afraid of who it could be. The last thing he knew the nurses were running tests on him. Their fingers were too warm, they pricked his skin but at least they weren’t touching Landon. His brother had a tendency to let others walk all over him.

The voices cleared a bit. He recognized Willis's voice, his words didn’t make much sense. Someone was buying someone else, and then the others were chiming in. It all came to a close after Clint asked what they were going to do.

Devin opened his eyes just a bit. He turned a little and saw Landon lying on a cot with his eyes closed. Tucker was standing beside him, resting a hand on Landon’s shoulder. He could relax a little.

“Devin?” Willis called to him quietly.

He met the others eyes before sitting up. His head spun a bit, but an arm wrapped around him. He saw Dallas supporting him from behind.

Willis patted his leg, “how are you feeling?”