
Chapter 20: Phoenix, Arizona

The tall buildings of Phoenix came into view as they drove on the looping section of interstate. It was a stunning sight in the early morning light. Willis sent glances over at it, trying to see it and not crash. He had half a thought to wake Tucker up, but he decided against it. Him and Devin slept peacefully, taking advantage of the quiet hours in the car.

The truck veered away from the city. Disappointed, he followed them. They drove through the smaller cities. It looked like a picture in time. He figured after the Separation people left for cooler climates. Arizona in the middle of May easily reached the upper nineties, and it would get warmer before it cooled down in October. The plants grew into the streets. Pink flowers from Bougainvilleas blew across the road, while small yellow flowers fell down from the palo verde trees covering the hood.