
Chapter 25: Yuma Starlight Facility

Devin saw his father’s blue truck in the same spot it had been when he first left for the dunes. He let his hand run across it as they entered the building. There was no sign of life anywhere around. Clint suspected it was the same for every facility. After all they were the only ones who could go in.

“There’s blood on the door,” Dallas said, nudging the door open with his foot.

Landon pushed through, “it’s from the last time I was here,” as he walked in the lights powered on.

The others could see blood on the wall moving in one direction. They ignored it, walking the other way towards the control room.

“This is a remote facility,” Clint explained, “as you could tell, there aren’t cooling towers for steam or a water source nearby. They use this for solar energy and to activate smaller stations along the Gila River. It’s not the most important station but it was one of the main facilities for the biological factors of the project.”