
Chapter 32: San Diego, California

Sleeping always gave way to dreams. That was Dallas’s belief. No matter how long it was for, he always had something playing on his mind. At the moment it was one of the most painful times of his life.

Dallas softly closed his bedroom door, “We can hide out in here for a few hours. He won’t be too bad once he’s had some time to sleep it off.”

“That isn’t the point,” his older sister, Florence, held one of his younger sisters, Chelsea, close to her chest, “we should leave.”

“We can’t leave. We don’t even know how to get to town, and the truck is gone.”

Savannah, the sister right after him, only 14, spoke up, “we know the way.”

Dallas glared at Florence, “you took Savannah with you? I thought you stopped sneaking out.”

“I’m 18 Dallas. I deserve a life. We all do. We need to go,” Florence set Chelsea on the bed, and picked up Roma, the youngest, out of his other sister’s hands. Without the toddler in her arms, Brooklyn cried.