
Chapter 31: San Diego, California

The ride was done in absolute silence. Lights off, creeping through the streets slowly. The moon shone bright enough to illuminate the way. In Willis’s car, Devin sat still for the first time and neither of them argued for the front seat. The two sat in the back together. In Dallas’s truck, Landon sat beside him and Clint laid out across the backseat, asleep. Dallas spared Landon a glance every few minutes, watching the blood slow more as time went on.

Willis didn’t honestly know where to go. They didn’t know where groups of people were. It felt wrong to just try again. Next time could end much worse. Instead he drove until he could see the ocean. The sky was beginning to brighten, shadows falling around them. He parked on the street in front of a row of hotels.

No one got out of the cars immediately. It took a few minutes for them to move properly. When they did gather, they did so quickly and quietly. Disappearing into one of the many buildings.