
Chapter 55: WSA Alcatraz Command Post

People separated as Leena led them through the crowds. They weren’t far from the doors on the other side when a man pushed through the crowd calling out to her. It was obvious she was ignoring him, then he stepped in front of her.

“Leena, you said we’d talk when you got back,” the man held his arms out like he was trying to block her, “you’re not running off again.”

“I’m busy right now,” she motioned behind her, “as you can see.”

“And who are they? You left alone.”

“None of your business.”


“Give me twenty minutes to introduce them to the director and then we can talk.”

“Fine,” the man stomped off from the direction he came.

She sighed, looking at Willis, “sorry about that. I thought he’d be gone by now. Let’s meet the director.”

They finally made it through the doors to a slightly smaller room with one large round table with at least two dozen seats. At one side, three men sat in business suits reading over papers. All of them looked up when they entered.