
Chapter 63: Tahoe Starlight Facility

Devin opened his eyes on his own accord. He breathed for a minute before focusing on the room. By now he was used to not recognizing anything right away. Though the couch did appear to be the same one he fell asleep on. Someone must have given him a blanket because he didn’t remember grabbing one.

Sitting up, his back popped. He stretched out a little more before getting up. No one else was in the room anymore, but he could hear voices down the hall. Slowly making his way down the hall, he smelled something good. Devin followed his nose to one of the breakrooms where he found Dallas, Clint, and Tucker. All three ate a rice dish that was sat in bowls on the counter. He grabbed one for himself and sat down. Dallas greeted him but the other two were too engaged in conversation to barely notice him.

“Well, I know I’m not an elemental,” Tucker insisted, “we were tested at the Bellagio.”

“Have you tried to activate your ability?” Clint asked.

“Duh, have you?”