
Chapter 64: Tahoe Starlight Facility

“How much longer?” Tucker asked. He handed Willis a laptop from one of the offices with as many cords as he could find, unsure which one he needed.

“Not too much longer,” Willis connected the USB to the stand alone computer at the base of the turbine, “Is Dallas back yet?”

“I haven’t seen him.”

“Okay, what about Clint? He didn’t chase after Devin, did he?”

“No. He’s in an office looking for anything that could help. Seems to think he can find something on file about where their father stayed when they were in town.”

“Landon came here with his father?”

“Yeah, which is why I can’t figure out what would make him take off. He didn’t like him for obvious reasons, so why would he go anywhere that would remind him of the two of them together.”

“I don’t know.”

“You should,” Tucker threw his hands up, “you always have a theory, just tell me.”