Episode 7: Boston Drugs Bust 1.1

FBI Washington Field Office

Washington, D.C., United States

"You are going to be assigned at Boston to help Detective Michael Fox with a buy-bust operation." Mr. Warren handed her the paper containing all of the information about the operation. She received a call from Director Warren that the federal will be helping the Boston police about a dangerous drug dealer.

Violet never works well with the young detective. It's either they bicker a lot or Violet does the operation on her own getting Detective Fox pissed off. But Violet didn't care. "I can do this on my own, Sir," she debated.

"Yes, but we have to. We have the jurisdiction, so you have to do it whether you like it or not," said Mr. Warren before dismissing Violet.

Boston Police Department

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

"The FBI has the jurisdiction. Would you please comply, Detective Fox?"

"Captain, you know I hate to work with Agent Violet." The youngest detective of the department whines as he sat down on the chair opposite Captain Thomas Walsh.

"Afternoon, Cap--" Violet was cut off mid-sentence when she enters the Captain's office. She can see the hate on Detective Fox's eyes when she closed the door and straightened her blazer, then walked towards the two men. "Afternoon, gentlemen," she said as she acknowledged them.

"I suppose, you're Special Agent Violet? Welcome to our department." Captain Walsh shook Violet's hand and motioned for her to sit on the chair beside Detective Fox.

"Nice to meet you, Sir. I am here to partake in a buy-bust operation with your department." Violet showed Captain Walsh her gold badge and her identification card.

Detective Inspector Fox nodded to her as she sat down beside him. He did not argue with the Captain and Violet anymore. Captain Walsh briefed them immediately on the situation. An agent has to disguise as one of the buyers of the cocaine from a certain Rick, a pusher, who lives in the suburb of Boston. This Rick guy was the key to catch the drug lord they have been tracking for ages. They have to know where he gets the cocaine. After the briefing, Captain Walsh thanked Violet and they started to walk out of the station and prepare for the operation.

Violet phoned agent Eric and the other agents. They've met with Detective Fox and his associates at the headquarters. They planned the operation and looked at the map. She made sure that everything and everyone is in their respective positions. Some agents were disguised as thugs, some are disguising as mom and dads, some as couples walking at the park, some are stationed at the van disguised as an ice cream truck with the ITs.

Violet was one of the agents inside the van with Detective Fox. "You looked like you need some ice cream, Fox," Violet smirked at Detective Fox who was disguised as a hot ice cream vendor--Eric's idea--as he looked outside the window of the truck, striking a 'thinker pose'. Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park has been busy with people hanging around the park, children playing, and some people walking their dogs around.

"Shut your mouth, Agent," an annoyed Detective Fox said. They were waiting for Eric and the other agents, making the arrest, as a sign for them to be in action. He hated his disguise as well as he hated Agent Violet's guts.

She rolled her eyes. She went to scoop some of the ice cream flavors and make a tall ice cream for her. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mint chip, butterscotch, and cherry are on her sugar cone. Detective Fox just shook his head. He let her play with the ice cream because this is the first time that he saw Special Agent Violet that happy like a child.

"Have you gotten my text this morning?" Violet rolled her eyes as she heard the intern speak on her earpiece. The other agents inside the truck chuckled thinking that the intern just forgot that this is an operation and every time she speaks may be heard on the other agents' in-ears. She was wondering why the intern was included on the team.

"What is she doing? This is an operation. Who the fuck is that?" Detective Fox looked mad but he was cut when a child with an all-smiles mother knocked on the service window of the truck.

"Can I have a chocolate chip ice cream please?" the child with a missing front tooth asked Detective Fox for ice cream. Detective Fox gave the child his ice cream and gave the mother the change. The mother-and-child duo left the truck with an annoyed mother.

"What's her problem?" Detective Fox scratched the back of his head as he looked at the mother of the child.

Violet chuckled, "She liked you, Detective. But now, she doesn't. Past and present tense of the verb."

"And how would you know that?" the detective's brow rose as he asked her.

"Body language, Detective, or you're just dense." Detective Fox's mouth went agape slightly. He was good at observing people but Violet beat him to it. Again.

"I have a girlfriend." Detective Fox looked outside the window, "And I'm never going to be a homewrecker."

Violet bit the inside of her cheeks, enjoying the scene. "Yeah, you do have, but is the feeling mutual?" she teased him. Detective Fox just looked at her and shook his head, giving up. "The mother is single, by the way. Can't see no ring." No one bothers to listen to her.

"Are you free tonight?" they heard the intern spoke again on their in-ears.

"Uhh, I think so?" Eric's flirty voice was heard as the two were disguising as a couple.

"Who is that?" Detective Fox asked her as the other agents laughed.

"Pearl? Perry? Patrice? I don't know." Violet shrugged.

"That's Patricia, Agent Violet." Clara, one of the analysts commented. "She's just jealous, Detective."

Violet creased her forehead while looking at Clara who just smiled at her bitterly. Surely, these agents don't like her obviously. But she doesn't care.

"Sorry, Agents. I forgot." Patricia said.

"You like Agent Eric?" Detective Fox curiously asked, a teasing smile on his face.

"Bloody hell, no!" Violet throws him the tracker that was programmed to track the undercover agent who will be the false buyer.

Detective Fox smoothly caught the tracker and placed it on the table in front. "Chill, there's no need to throw things, Agent Grumpy."

"I hate to break it to you, but your girlfriend is cheating Detective Fox. Please don't break your achy-breaky heart, softy," she said, deadpanned.

"W-What?" Detective Fox replied. "What do you say?"

"Ugh, I hate repeating myself, Detective. Care to repeat what I've said, Agent Clara?" she asked the stunned agent that was in front of the computer. Agent Clara awkwardly straightened her skirt and focused on her monitor.

"H-How do you know that Angeline's cheating on me?" Detective Fox eagerly asked her.

Violet sighed and sat on the chair looking bored. "You should know better. You're the boyfriend."

"Ah, would you please stop answering me with sarcasm?" Detective Fox is now irritated.

"You should scoop me a generous amount of ice cream because of this, Detective." She straightened her back and sat properly. "Angeline," she confirmed the name of Detective Fox's girlfriend. She pointed to his phone that was lying in front of him with an open screen. "Take a look at your phone, Mikey. You have sent her messages since this morning and she hasn't replied once until this time--what time is it again? Oh, 12:35. It's 12:35 in the afternoon and she just replied after five hours?" Violet closed the iMessage app. She tapped on Tinder and the app takes her to the login/sign up page. "You have installed Tinder on your phone and never dared to try to sign up. You're confused. Why is your girlfriend swiping from her phone whenever you're together? She--" she was cut off by Detective Fox.

"Because she was just browsing on her phone." Detective Fox countered. The agents inside the truck were half-listening to their conversation.

"And do you believe that, Detective? Come on, you're a fucking detective. Give justice to your profession. You're too dense to be a detective, Miggy," she smirked. She is also focusing on the operation as well as helping Detective Fox with his girlfriend's infidelity.

"Don't you dare question my abilities, Agent." Detective Fox warned her.

Violet rolled her eyes. "I'll continue. Based on your messages, you are asking about this certain Jessie who always comments on her posts on social media. Now Clara," she pushed her chair by her feet to roll towards Agent Clara who now stares at her with wide eyes, "have the audacity to stalk you at this very hour, checking in on Angeline's profile and based on Jessie's profile. She really is cheating on you, my dear Fox." She clicked on Angeline's and Jessie's profile that was opened on two different minimized windows. They can see the posts that were hidden on Michael. A lot of beach and posts from a party were seen on her profile.

"Sorry, Detective." Clara sighed awkwardly, pushing Violet's chair away from her and the computers.

"Oh," Eric commented, "Sorry man."

Detective Fox went back to his seat near the service window as he typed away the words 'We're done.' on his phone.