Episode 8: Boston Drugs Bust 1.2

All the agents sat quietly in the truck. All of them, except Violet.

She has been giving instructions to Clara and Joseph on the computers. "Track Vasquez. Where the fuck is Vasquez?"

"I'm here, Agent. Chill." Vasquez confirmed.

A few more minutes had passed when Agent Vasquez's microphone boomed again. "Hey, man. You have it?" they can hear Vasquez sniffing loudly as if he has a runny nose. The chief of disguise did a great job in making Vasquez appear like he uses cocaine for a long time. They made his pupils look like it really was dilated by using a special kind of contact lenses.

"Yeah, that'll be a hundred and ninety-two for two grams. Be quick." Rick showed him his hand, palms raising up, "Payment first."

Vasquez handed him two hundred dollars, "Keep the change, man."

Rick smiled smugly, "Nice. You sure you only want two grams of it? Well, great trans--" he was cut off when Vasquez made him turn to his back and fell flat on his stomach on the floor.

Agents filled the scene and some went running towards some guys who were with Rick and caught them. Agent Violet and Detective Fox followed suit and keep up with Agent Vasquez, Agent Eric, and Rick. The ice cream truck moved towards the suspect, drifting at every turns on the street.

"Man, you've got to be kidding me!" Rick shouted in exasperation. He is now inside the modified ice cream truck and sitting in front of the agents.

Violet moved beside him, lowering her head to keep her eyes on his. "Listen, Mr. Crackhead. I don't like to sugarcoat things unlike some of my colleagues here have been doing for ages. Tell me where your boss is. You will be penalized for how many years? Three to five years? Maybe more if you don't tell us who your boss is, and where do we find him. I can assure you that life in prison isn't going to be like rainbows and unicorns."

"I don't know," Rick said, bowing his head.

Violet looked at him deadpanned. "Your drug lord can kill you once we let you walk out on this truck. Would you like to try, Ricky?" Agents fixated their eyes on Violet, knowing Violet, she might tie the guy to the truck and have him handcuffed while pulling him around the park. You cannot torture suspects for any information, yeah she knows, but it wasn't torturing.

"I'm, Rick," Rick said annoyed. He clearly doesn't want to talk to Agent Violet.

"Okay, enough." Agent Eric with a beaming intern holding his arms interjected. "Let's get him into the headquarters."

"Are we on a fucking club, Agent?" Detective Inspector Fox commented looking at Agent Eric and Agent Patricia's entwined hands.

"Stop being bitter, Detective, and let's go." Agent Francis said and sat on the driver's seat. The agents went to their own seats and some at the other van.

FBI Washington Field Office

Washington, D.C., United States

"How is the suspect?" Agent Violet asked Agent Eric who grabbed Pepsi in a can on the fridge.

"Do you want one?" She shook her head no. They walked towards the interrogation room.

"As usual, he doesn't want to cooperate," Eric answered.

They stopped outside the interrogation room where Rick is inside with Agent Harry. They listened to the conversation between the two and they both know that Rick was lying. Agent Harry went out of the room, "All yours," he said and Agent Violet together with Agent Eric walked in.

"Ah, my favorite," said Rick.

Violet sat in front of him while Eric remained standing, watching them seriously.

She took a deep breath as she sat on the seat and crossed her arms and legs. Violet just looked at him and never speak a single word, same with Eric.

"What?" Rick asked getting intimidated by the two agents in front of him.

"Oh, God." Violet covered her nose. She had sprayed a Fart Prank Spray under the table without Rick noticing. Agent Eric's eyes widened and he covered his nose.

"Damn. Was that you, Richard?" Violet furrows her brow while covering her nose.

Rick was puzzled. He doesn't know why the agents were covering their nose and acting weirdly. "What the fuck was your problem?"

"Oh, good God. I never thought that this will work and this stinks like hell." Violet throws the bottle of the spray into her blazer's pocket.

Agent Eric went to open the door and fan the whole room using his suit. "Damn, Violet. Where did you get that?"

"I got it at the park. I saw it on a child's hand. In return, I gave him a dollar. I just thought that it might work with Rudy right here." Rick rolled his eyes and shook his head. Violet said his name wrong...again.

Agent Eric closed the door and stood to where he was previously. "Okay, so you have bloodshot eyes, a bleeding nose, and you're losing your hair. You obviously didn't smell the fart prank toy that Agent Violet sprayed a while ago. You have lost your sense of smell. Your shoes, it's too old and tattered. You are wearing ragged clothes. Man, you are not just a pusher, but you are also a user."

Rick swallowed his saliva. He was now being scared and weirded out by the cunning agents. "I-I really d-don't know who you are t-talking about," he stuttered.

"You sure?" Eric asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! Why won't you believe me?" Rick shouted.

"Your body language doesn't say so." Agent Violet commented. "Tell me where David is."

Rick's eyes widen. He doesn't have any idea how Violet knows. "Who's David? I don't know him."

"Your phone. A certain David has been calling you since you and your friends were caught. You have been sending messages to David but he wasn't responding via text. He was calling you. We've checked your call logs. All are incoming calls from David," Violet stated. She stood up from the chair and put both of her hands on the other side of the table and leaned towards Rick. "Oh, and I forgot. You smell exactly like a drug laboratory. Your stench is very strong I think I'll be getting high by just sniffing your disgusting soul."

"Agent Eric, if we can't make him talk, just bring this crackhead inside Big Jo's jail cell. Big Jo might make him talk." Violet smiled smugly at Rick.

"W-Wait, who's Big Jo?" Rick panicked.

"You'll see," Violet winked at him.

Rick stood up from his chair and said, "David. David Guillermo. He lives at Downtown Crossing. Please, spare me," he kneeled in front of the two agents. Violet and Eric smirked and get out of the room.

Washington Street (a.k.a. Downtown Crossing)

Boston, Massachusetts

"Dr. Brown, Vatican cameos." Agent Apollo managed to say as he was shot by the men inside the building.

Agents went alert and went straight to where Agent Apollo is. They bust down the door and found the undercover agent shot on his right leg.

"FBI!" Agent Eric and Agent Violet lead the SWAT team inside the building where David Guillermo resides and makes his cocaine repacking. It is an apartment complex where there's no elevator to pick you up. You have to walk the stairs if you want to go to the upstairs room of the complex.

"Uh, no." One of the SWAT team halts Detective Fox as he was entering the apartment building.

"What? What no?" Detective Fox is confused.

"You have to say here, Sir."

"I am the Detective-in-charge. I'm with Agent Violet." Detective Fox said frustratedly.

"Sorry, Sir, but you stay."

"Damn it!" Detective Fox sighed in exasperation. He kicked the wheel of his car and looked at the top of the apartment.

"FBI! Freeze!" When they entered the apartment, all five agents were held captive by the men. Their guns were pointed to each of the agents' heads. One of the men shots Violet on her stomach and Agent Eric catches her, sending the SWAT team inside. Agent Eric cries out her name as the gunfire continues.

The men who held Agent Apollo and the other agents captive, raised their hands and dropped their guns seeing that they were outnumbered. They tried jumping out of the window but agents hanging on a spectra rope and a harness cornered them with guns pointing at them.

They can't do anything but give up on the FBI.

Five men were caught including David Guillermo. Big boxes of cocaine and heroin were gathered inside the apartment. The mission was successful.

"Violet! Stay with me!" Eric cried. "Medic, I need a medic! Agent Violet was shot! I'm going to go down with Agent Violet and I want to see an ambulance right outside."

An ambulance stationed outside went immediately at the front of the building. Detective Fox went straight to Agent Eric who was holding Agent Violet who is bleeding uncontrollably on her stomach. "What the fuck happened?" he asked Eric who was now putting Violet on the stretcher. There were also nurses who attend Agent Apollo in the other ambulance.

"She was shot." Agent Eric clawed on his hair while he looked at the nurses who were trying to give first aid to Agent Violet. "I'll go with her," he said to the nurse and the nurse nodded. "Agent Vasquez," he called for the colleague on his microphone attached to every agents' receivers.

"Yes, Agent Montenaro?"

"Lead the team. Make sure that the suspects were taken care of. I'll be going to the hospital with Agent Violet. I'll let Director Warren know about the situation and the success of the mission," he instructed Agent Vasquez.

"Roger that," Agent Vasquez answered.

"Violet," he called her name. "Please stay awake." he was holding her hand and she was holding his.

Minute by minute, her consciousness is drifting away. She can't feel the shooting pain from the bullet anymore. Her entire body felt numb, even Eric's strong hold on her hand. She felt like she was dying.

"E-Eric..." she called for his name but she can't no longer hear what he was saying. Muffled voices of Eric were all she hears but she can't pinpoint what he was saying. She tried to look at his face as her vision fades slowly. He was stressed. His eyes are teary and red. His hands held hers like he was hanging for his dear life. His tie was loosened and his hair was like a bird's nest. He was in distress.

"Please, don't close your eyes. We're near the hospital." He wasn't oblivious to the fact that Violet has lost a lot of blood. He also wasn't oblivious to the fact that every time he was with her, he was happy and contented. He fell in love with his colleague and his best friend and she doesn't even know it. Every single time that he dates a girl, he wishes she was Violet.