Chapter 3

I woke up early about 4:00 in the morning because I want to help our maids for preparing, the Santiago will be here at nine because their place was so far away from this Nacpan Beach.

"Auntie, I will cook something" I said

"Hija! You will be tired, we'll take care of it, okay?" Auntie said

"No, it's okay, and I woke up early just for this and also to help, please....." I said begging

She sighed and nodded "Okay, just call me if you something" then she immediately went to the kitchen

I prepared the ingredients and started to cook, I will cook an adobo, it's my specialty.

I already saw the Santiago family before, but I never see their son because it was always in Manila taking care of something.

Cassandra, my friend, she already saw the son of Mr. and Mrs. Santiago because they were been invited to Santiago's house.

She even said that Santiago's son was rude, and it was ignoring her.

When I finished cooking I directly put it in the bowl and placed it on the table.

"It looks delicious, Hija" Auntie complimented

"This is my specialty, I also left some adobo in the kitchen, you can have it, Auntie" I said

"Oh! Okay, Thank you, Hija, you're so kind" She said

I just smiled at her went out of the kitchen, I went to my bathroom again because I feel so dirty.

The water trickled down to my skin as I opened the shower, it feels so good. It's hard for me to accept that people around me, hate me.

I went out of the bathroom and walked in front of the mirror. Wearing my white floral dress, flat sandals, and silver necklace.

I went out of my room and immediately went to the sala to watch tv, I don't have anything to do.

A few minutes later, I saw Jax coming here at the sala but I just ignored his presence because, you know, I need to ignore him. He sat beside and also watched the tv.

"Ashrielle" Jax suddenly talked, but I ignored him.

"hey, Ashrielle" But I still ignored him.

"I will give you my ice cream" He said that making me stopped.

"Really? You will giv--" Ugh! I hate my self! It was just ice cream!

I just rolled my eyes and walked away, Hmmp! Why he just doesn't to be with my sister, he's happy when my sister is around him.

We were not the same before that were so happy, even my sister was there that is always hurting me, but now, in just a one lie, Boom! Everything changed!

And also I don't want to talk to any people around here, after what happened yesterday, now way. I just want to live in another country, because I think I can have my peace there, in another country. Maybe when I'm already at eighteen, I can have my own condo, I can have my peace.

And I'm still too young, I can still find a man that really loves me.

I went out of the house, not sure what will be going to do in here.

There's a little shack in here, there's a lot of coconut trees, then a small wa---

"Ashrielle!" I turned around where the voice came from, it was Tita Cecilia Santiago, I approached her to kiss her cheeks.

"Hi, Tita! I thought that you will be here at nine" I said

"Because we woke up so early, by the way where's your parents?" Tita asked

"They were inside, still dressing up, come inside Tita, Tito," I said and smiled at their son, I don't know his name.

"Hello" I greeted and smiled, Tito and his son nodded, then they immediately went inside.

"Why are they so early?" I was shocked when someone talked beside me. Ugh! I hate him!

"Really?! Stay away from me! My sister will really get mad at me!" I shouted

I immediately went inside and sat beside my dad.

"So... How's school, Sophia?" Tita asked

"As usual tita, I'm still the first one! And I'm also doing good, I'm actually good at all! Hahahaha!" Sophia proudly said

"Good, and Ashrielle, how's your school?" Tita asked me, I'm about to answer when my sister suddenly talked.

"Well... What's new? She's still in 3rd, maybe you're not doing good? Even just a small thing you can't even achieve it, look at me, I can do anything!" She said, she's the perfect one.

Yes, she even gets the ugliest attitude, she thought that she's a perfect person, I will not let her drag me down!

"Of course, in school, I was always in third, but at least I can handle business, Yes, I can't achieve the small things, at least I did something big and important than your small achievement" I said and grinned

Then she smiled "It's still important to achieving something, once you will get that achievement people will praise you"

Oh yeah? "What can I get to that praise? Can it help me in the future? What if the achievements and the business are different? Your life will be hard and bad as hell, the people who praise you, will be the one who will let you down" I said, winning this time.

Now she can't utter a single word, because that's the truth, praise is not an achievement. Then Tita and Tito nodded.

"Yeah, that's right, so change the topic, so there's a new project that can be done because the Santiago and Lopez will be having a collaboration, so we're here to make a plan, this project was for the new products that will be released, and also there's a lot of people whose interested with it" Tito said

Then my dad nodded "People already knew about this?"

"The news already spread out everywhere" Tito said

"It is better if people will know right away, they will be more interested in the products because it was from the two big companies, and they will be more interested because they knew that this two company was having a collaboration" I said

"You're right Hija, and we will not going to have a problem about releasing the products, maybe after releasing the products, it will already be sold out, and maybe there's a lot of company that also wants to buy our products " Tita said

We also talked about other things, we're already eating in the kitchen after the long conversation.

"Who cooked this adobo?" Marc Anderson asked, Tita Cecilia's son

"Ma'am Ashrielle cooked that" Auntie answered

Marc nodded and smiled "It tastes good, mom try it"

Tita tasted the adobo, I'm waiting for her reaction. She smiled "Hmm, you're good at cooking, Ashrielle"

"Haha thank you Tita, it's my specialty" I said

After a few minutes, Tita and Tito went to my dad's office, then Sophia, Jax, and Marc were already at the sala, while me, I'm here at the sea, taking some fresh air.

This is the place where I want to rest, I can get fresh air. I shifted my gaze, I saw Marc, smiling widely.

"Why are you here Ashrielle?" He asked

"I just want to be here" I said

"Yeah... Soon, I will be going to invite Cassan---" then he shook his head, I grinned, I know it's Cassandra.

"Cassandra? Invite her, she will be totally happy" I said

He looked at me "She's what? Happy? It's too impossible!"

"Yes, she will be so happy, but of course, she will not gonna say it, she even told me that you're rude her, you're ignoring her" I said

He laughed "Hahaha because she looks like a mean angel, but she's gorgeous"

Then we laughed, he's fun to be with, but I think when Cassandra is here, there will be a war.

After a few minutes, someone approached us, it's Jax, then he directly went to Marc and whispered something.

Then Marc looked at me and smiled "I need to go, my dad called me"

"Huh? We will just go togeth---" Jax cut my words

"Are you Marc? He's the only one who's been called, just come with me"

I looked at him angrily "I just told you earlier that you need to stay away from me, don't talk to me, can't you understand it? Marc please wai---" where is he.....

"Please Ashrielle, I want to be with you for the last time, I promise you that I will be going to stay away from you..." He said sadly

I feel sorry but I remembered everything, the time when my sister and Jax said some hurtful words to me.

"No way! Are you there every time that I need you? You were with my sister, having fun with her, next month you will be going to States, you said I don't need to wait because it's useless, so let me go! I want to get used without you in my life, because when the time that you will come back here, you're already married to Sophia" I said weakly

I never let him talk, I immediately went inside the mansion.

"Hey Ashrielle, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Marc asked worriedly

I wiped my tears "Hahaha I'm okay, there was just something in my eye, I need to go, bye"

I immediately went inside to my room, I locked the door so no one could enter my room. My tears started to flow.

Sometimes I wish that my life will change, so I could have my peace, I can be happy.

Being happy was the hardest thing to do, it is a small achievement that I can't do, I can't have, the achievement that I can never have.