Chapter 6

We're already at the bar, drinking some alcohol drinks. Some of our classmates were here, and some of them are friends of Cassandra's brother.

"Please don't drink too much" Jax said. Why would I? I don't even like alcohol drinks, I looked at him and laughed.

"Why are you laughing? Are you drunk?" He asked.

"What? No I'm not!" I shouted cause the music was too loud. I looked at the guy who just approached us, I think he was my classmate before? I don't know.

"Hey! Ashrielle, you look stunning! Do you still remember me?"

"Ah thank you! But sorry, I don't remember you!" I shouted the beats of the music were just too loud so we need to shout.

"Oh! Come on! I'm Ralph, we were classmates before" He said while laughing. This is so embarrassing!

"Sorry! By the way, this Jax, Jax this is Ralph, my classmate before" I said, they nodded at each other, Ralph smiled awkwardly

"Sorry, I didn't know you have your boyfriend here" He said, apologizing. What the hell! Jax is not my boyfriend!

"You're getting it wrong, he's not my boyf--" I didn't even finish what I will be going to say because Jax suddenly talked.

"Dude, can you excuse us?" He asked, looking at Ralph darkly, oh gosh! He already lost his temper!

Ralph nodded, Jax immediately grabs my hand. We went inside his car, he looked at me intensely.

"Who's that guy?" He asked, not taking his eyes at me. Come on! How could I answer if he was like that?!

I looked at him nervously, didn't know what to answer "Uhh he's classmate bef---"

"Don't give me an answer like that! A specific answer!" He said angrily

"What? It's a specific answer, I already introduced him to you, what answer do you want?" I asked, already losing my temper.

He groaned "Is he your suitor before? Your boyfriend? Your friend? Do you like him?"

I frowned "Seriously?! I said, he was just my classmate before! He's not my suitor or what! And why are you asking that damn questions?!"

He massaged the bridge of his nose. I don't care if he's mad right now, he's mad at something that I don't even know!

"Why?! You're not even my boyfriend for Pete's sake! What's your problem?!" I shouted, can't breathe normally

"What's my problem? You even have the guts to ask me that, can't you see? That guy likes you!" He shouted looking at me darkly.

I scoffed "What's wrong about that? It's not a big deal Jax!"

"It's a big deal for me! Isn't it obvious? I like you!" He said angrily. I looked at him

"Y-you what?" I said stuttering, my heart beat faster.

"I like you" He said without any hesitation. My face heated, this is so embarrassing, I look away, I can't stand his eyes for too long, I feel like I'm going to melt.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry for shouting at you, I was just jealous, please forgive me baby" He said,

"Let's j-just go i-inside" I said

"Yeah, we will but first, forgive me" Oh gosh! He's unbelievable!

"Uhh you don't need to be sorry"

"I need to baby, I'm sorry for shouting at you, hmm?" Then he slowly went closer to me, he was about to kiss me when I suddenly talked.

"You're f-forgiven, let's g-go inside" I immediately went out and went inside in the club.

I need to act like nothing happened. I went to Cassandra's table and immediately sat beside her.

"Hey! Where's Jax?" Cassandra asked

"I don't kno---"

"I'm here" I looked around, yeah, it's Jax. He sat beside me, I looked away, I'm nervous, need to do something.

I'm about to get the glass of wine when Jax tap my hand "Don't drink, you might be drunk"

I immediately nodded like a puppy, Cassandra scoffed and smiled teasing me.

"Oh! My brother is calling me, excuse me" Cassandra said, still smiling just to tease me. Gosh! I'm stuck in here with Jax, that girl really knows how to tease me!

"Ashrielle....." I looked at Jax asking him what he wants, he shook his head, but suddenly, he kissed my forehead.

He looked at my eyes, smiling "I love you"

It's been a week since he said I love you to me, I can't forget that, it's making me crazy.

Well, after that we immediately went home, nothing happened, still the normal estate.

After doing my morning routine, I immediately went out of my room. I was about to go downstairs when I heard someone talking.

"Do you love my sister?" I think it's Sophia asking

"No, I don't love your sister, you know that I'm older than her, and don't worry, I'm going to marry you"

I smiled, he doesn't love me, or he loves me as a best friend. Tears slowly dropping, why is it always me? Always getting hurt.

I need to be happy cause that's my sister, I need to be happy for them, that I love you was a lie, he said he likes me but it was a lie, and being happy for them was a lie.

I wiped my tears, immediately headed downstairs like nothing happened. I ignored them, I need to act that I never hear anything.

"Ashrielle....." Jax never failed to make me smile, even he was just saying lies, I still smile.

I immediately sat down and started eating, if there is a medicine for erasing this pain, I will literally buy it.

After I finished eating, I went to my room, to lock myself in there.

Next week, Jax will be going to the United States, time fly so fast.

I looked at my phone because it suddenly rang. Marc Anderson Calling...


[Hey, are you free Ashrielle?]

"Yes, why?" I asked

[I will pick you up to your house, we will go somewhere] He said

"Okay" I don't need to change my outfit, I'm in a formal attire right now.

[Ok, thanks bye!] Then he hang up

I went outside of the house, I went to the garden where I will going to wait Marc.

Someone talked behind me "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for someone" I answered

"Your friend?" Jax asked, I turned around and looked at him

"Marc, your cousin" I said

"Wher---" He stopped from talking when the gate suddenly opened.

"Hey! Ashrielle let's go!" Marc said I nodded at him, I immediately looked at Jax

"I need to go, please take care... Of my sister" I said and immediately went to Marc's car

"So where are we going?" I asked

"We're going to the mall, help me to buy some girly stuff" Marc said laughing and started the engine.

"Girly stuff? For what?" I asked

"For someone, cause she's mad at me for doing something that I didn't know" He answered shaking his head. How sweet, oh! Don't tell me it's for Cassandra.

"Don't tell me...."

"Yeah, it is for your friend" He said shyly

"Come on! Don't be shy, just buy her a perfume, vanilla scent or makeup" I said

He immediately parked his car and went out, we went inside the mall and went to make up section.

I picked some lipstick because Casandra is collecting some lipstick, then some eyeshadows.

"Here" I said and immediately hand him the make up

"I also bought perfume, the vanilla scent?" He said, not sure if he's right of what he got, I nodded at him. After getting that girly stuff we headed to a restaurant to eat something.

"So what's the score between you and my cousin?" Marc asked

I stopped from eating and looked at him "Uhh we're just friends"

"Okay" He said laughing, I rolled my eyes, gosh! He's just like Cassandra! They're like a clown!

"It's my first time seeing a boy buying some girly stuff" I said, I want to tease him

"It's really your first time cause my cousin didn't even get you the things you want" He said smirking.

"Ugh! Come on! You're like Casandra"

"What?" He asked laughing

"Always teasing me!" I said

"Just say we meant for eac---" I asked him why he suddenly stopped, I turned around and I saw Jax, standing behind me.

"Let's go" Jax said

"What? Why are you here?" I asked

"Cause you're here flirting with my cousin" He said calmly

"What did yo--"

"Uhh Jax, Ashrielle, I need to go, Cassandra was calling me already, bye!" Marc said and immediately went out.

Oh crap! Good thing I have my wallet and my phone here, I immediately went outside, but Jax was walking behind me!

"I will call my driver to pick me" I said

"No need, I'm here, I have my car" He said

"I don't want to be with you" I said angrily

He smirked "But you want to be with my cousin, do you like him? Don't answer me, I don't care if you like him, you're my mine anyway"

Then he grabs my hand and immediately went to his car.

"Wear your seat belt" He said, but I never did it cause I'm spacing out of what he said earlier.

"You will gonna wear it or I will be the one who will gonna wear it for you and kis--"

I immediately wear the seat belt and looked outside. Oh gosh!

"Good" He said and immediately started the engine. A few hours later, we're already at the house, and the sun is already setting.

I went inside and saw my sister watching tv, she looked at me, correction, she looked at Jax, then she got up and immediately hugged Jax.

"I miss you" She said while hugging Jax, I looked away, it's just making me hurt, I was about to go to my room when Sophia suddenly asked me.

"Ashrielle, why are you with Marc?"

"I just helped him bought some stuf--"

"Just say, you want to get him and make your friend jealous, it's your thing, flirting with someone who already has a girlfriend" She said rolling her eyes

"Sophia stop it" Jax said

"Why? Do you like her now?"

"Of course not, let's just eat, do not waste your time to nonsense thing, let's go" Jax said. So I'm nonsense now!

Sophia smirked at me, they immediately went to the kitchen while me, I'm here like a statue, still can't believe what Jax said.

It's like, he was just playing me around, making me believe at his lies. Do I look like a toy?

I went to my room and cried there silently, when I'm with them, I was like I'm in hell. I just said earlier that Jax didn't fail to make me smile, yeah, he also didn't fail to hurt me, well all of them hurt me, nothing's new, I'm still the loser.