The next day, Long Tian and Meng Lin-Huo were in the main hall of the house.
Long Zhu, other elders and some servants of the family were present.
They were all organizing preparations for Long Tian's departure.
* Blam !!!
"Young master." Someone entered the room and gave a brief nod. "The carriage for your departure is ready."
Long Tian turned around, "Thanks, I'm on my way."
Long Zhu got up and walked over to his son, hugging him by the scruff and touching his foreheads.
"Good luck my son."
"Thank you dad." Long Tian returned the hug
Meng Lin-Huo also approached.
Long Tian took her by the arm and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Meng Lin-Huo nodded.
Long Tian bowed briefly by joining hands and said goodbye.
"I'm leaving."
Turning his back and leaving the hall, Long Tian entered the carriage on his way to Central Country.
After two years, this was the first time that Long Tian had left his family's land to the outside world.
The entire carriage path went smoothly down a dirt road through the forest.
"I didn't remember the terrain being that far from the city that way."
After two hours of travel, he finally arrived at the Central Country gate.
A great uproar was forming at the entrance, several carriages and people were gathered to enter the walls.
Yes, all the students from the country were here.
"Look! It's the goddess! Goddess Huang is here! Goddess Huang!"
Long Tian heard screams ahead.
"Goddess Huang ?!" Immediately Long Tian felt his body from his shudder.
That name was familiar to him ...
Huang Mei was the only daughter of the Huang family, the Imperial family of Pais do Sul.
And not only beautiful but also a genius, Huang Mei reached her status as a divine expert at the age of 10, when she entered one of the five prestigious academies in the east and traveled to the northern country.
Now, after five years, she has returned.
But the reason behind Long Tian's reaction is the relationship that the Imperial Huang Family and the noble Long family have.
Therefore, Long Tian had known Huang Mei since they were small.
It didn't take long before he finally entered the Imperial City of the Central Country, and as he remembered, its interior was moved by a large market of merchants and nobles.
Going up Main Street, Long Tian could see the Imperial Palace further ahead and a little further down, almost as big as the Imperial Palace, was the Complex of the Celestial Winds Academy.
As soon as he approached, many young people were gathered at the entrance to the large complex.
That was the Celestial Winds Academy.
Several were there since early in the morning.
Some were from villages close to the imperial city and there were those who came from far away too.
As Long Tian's carriage stopped and he got out, many whispers began.
"It's the young master of the Long Family! The Long family is here! Did this young master really come?"
It wasn't long before a riot started at the entrance.
Not only with Long Tian, but also with many young teachers from wealthy families were there.
Whether out of admiration or envy, their names would be talked about and spoken everywhere they went.
One of the karmas of being a nobleman.
* Creeeeak!
The gates were then opened.
A slender old man then appeared.
Many curious looks stared at him, he looked at that population for a few seconds.
"So ... Are these all candidates for the selective?"
Quickly all the young people started to gather to enter.
The old man motioned for them to wait, then two young servants appeared behind the old man.
They cleared the way for everyone to enter, so everyone was directed to the huge courtyard of the building.
The Celestial Winds Academy grounds were a huge three-story complex.
Its tiles were a light lilac and white columns.
On each side of the pavilion, the sculpture of a guardian dragon and in the center of the ground, a lotus flower was drawn.
Everyone looked at that architecture with admiration, after all, it was the first time that they knew the interior of the Academy.
The young servants then accompanied the old man to the dais on the upper floor of the courtyard.
The old man who was among them quickly cleared his throat.
"First of all, I would like to welcome everyone here. My name is Yang Feng, I am a coordinator and one of the great senior masters of this academy. I believe that many of you have heard my name and in the future, some have become my disciples too. "He gave a brief speech.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Feng!" Many paid respect, making a brief greeting with folded hands.
"Obviously, not everyone here will pass the selective, and I doubt that many of you want to make it through this selection." Yang Feng's harsh words were already known to everyone who decided to choose this path.
They were aware that nothing in this exam will be easy.
"To start the first selection, I ask you to divide into twelve rows on each side." And so they did.
"We are going to start a quick assessment with a wrestling match, so all of you will split into pairs with the opponent next to you. You can use any martial art technique, so do not kill your opponents. You should also not use your divine energy, the combat is purely physical. Whoever drops his opponent to the ground with his back first wins. "
Long Tian then turned.
He stared at his opponent who apparently had nothing.
The blond boy in front of him was a little more manly, and he had an arrogant look.
"I already imagined fighting against great specialist figures. But I never imagined that my first opponent would be someone like you" Said the blond boy with disdain.
"So it must be a great honor for you, isn't it?" Long Tian responded with an equally arrogant air.
"For sure." The blond boy was in a position to attack. "I will have no more fun than stepping on the face of a noble little shit like you."
"Tsc, I will do you a favor to get this over with quickly."
Long Tian remained there, unprepared.
"Tsc! Are you kidding me?! Do you think you're too strong to be so arrogant?"
"I will make no effort for someone like you"
"You ...! Don't underestimate me!"
The blond boy then moved forward.
He threw a punch that was easily avoided by Long Tian when he moved to the left.
Soon, another right-wing blow and Long Tian jumped to avoid being knocked over by his opponent's leg.
Jumping over the same Long Tian hovered for a few seconds, preventing the blond boy from retreating.
"? ...!" The blond boy barely had time to react when a kick hit his face.
He was then thrown backwards, allowing a trickle of blood to trickle down his nose.
He quickly reacted, doing a somersault and stopping on the ground.
"Damn ..." He withdrew, wiping the blood with the back of his hand.
"Before I finish you, I want to know your name," Long Tian spoke calmly.
"Jin Bai ..."
"Oh yes ... Jin Bai, it's a good name." Unexpectedly Long Tian disappeared from his face.
"Where did he go ?!
"Let me tell you something, Jin Bai." Long Tian then suddenly appeared behind Jin Bai and punched him in the back with a punch.
The punch had been as strong as the kick he had given Jin Bai before, as he hurled it across the patio, making it hit a pillar.
Everyone who was fighting until then stopped in amazement.
"You mustn't be so arrogant if you trust your power so much, it's not just that I'm a nobleman that I didn't try to be here."