"I Will Become A Divine Specialist"

637 AD, Sheng Dynasty.

It was a full moon night.

Sitting on the porch of his house, he was a man.

His body was large and robust, covered with some superficial scratches under an indigo tunic, on his back, the design of a Chinese blue dragon.

The man had a beautiful, well-made black beard, with a row of white hair on either side of his marked jaw.

Over his left eye, blue as ice, a scar cut from his cheek to his brow.

He watched the full moon that night, with a smile on his lips.

Beside him was his young son.

A slim, white boy with the same black hair and cold eyes.

Long Tian breathed a little heavily, breathing hot air through his mouth.

It was winter time.

The courtyard where they stood was completely white and cold.

It was still possible to see small, slow droplets of snow falling ...

By patiently wrapping his wounds on his arm, Long Tian had some scratches and did not seem to mind the cold, even though he was wearing only a tunic.

Long Zhu then glanced at him with a proud smile.

A few minutes ago, Long Tian and Long Zhu dueled.

Obviously, Long Tian lost to his father, but not before he gave him a lot of work.

"Hmm." Long Zhu blew out a little air from his nose.

Long Tian looked at him curiously.


"I'm admired," explained Long Zhu.


"Compared to seven years ago, you have evolved a lot in your training."

Long Zhu expected some cheer, but Long Tian still remained indifferent, bandaging his wounds.

"Aren't you happy with that?"

"That's not it ... It's just ... I'm still not strong enough to beat my father."

Long Zhu laughed and put his hand on his son's head.

"You gave me a lot of trouble this time!" Long Zhu pointed to the scratches on his body.

"My father, You should treat these injuries."

"And do i lose those marks of victory ?! Never! I'll keep it as a souvenir ..."

Long Tian blew a small breath from his nose.

Long Zhu looked at him with satisfaction and then took a huge sword that was beside him.

The sword was of a broad, heavy blade, with a sharp, black edge.

The wooden ribboned handle had a fist in the shape of a dragon's head.

When the moonlight hit the blade, it was possible to see its blue glow.

Long Tian looked at that sword with a twinkle in his eye.

"In the future, that sword will also be yours." Long Zhu placed it over Long Tian, who held it with a little difficulty.

"She is quite heavy."

"Haha, yes ... But over time you will get used to it."



"... I will do my best tomorrow."

Since his training in the past few weeks, Long Tian was very reserved and thoughtful.

His father knew he was nervous when he did that.

He gave a slight sad smile.

"I know you will."

Every four years, fifteen-year-olds take on a challenge, a test to show their values as experts and thus become apprentices of divine experts at the Celestial Winds Academy.

The Divine Experts are those who protect the five Nations of the Winds and the sixteen seals of the Fallen God ...

Long Tian looked at him.

"I believe you," Long Zhu continued. "Not because you are my son or the honor of our family, but because you have dedicated yourself to it."

Long Tian smiled slightly.

His father's words were comforting, even though he was still upset.

Long Tian then looked up.

The moon above them was bright and beautiful.

"... they called you 'The Great Dragon of the Moon'." Long Tian spoke with a certain irony.

Long Zhu laughed and looked at the horizon.

"I really don't know where they get such crude names from."

"They nailed it when they chose it." Long Tian laughed.

"A." Long Zhu grimaced, shaking his head. "Yeah, really. It's good to be flattered a little bit," he smiled.

"But he's still an old man," Long Tian scoffed.

"An old man who beat you up, don't forget that," Long Zhu teased.

There is! There is!

The balcony door behind him then opened, they could both feel the warmth of the house.

"Are you still out here?" A woman appeared at the entrance.

Meng Lin-Huo had long dark hair like an onyx, his eyes were like two black pearls and his skin was pale, highlighted by the shade of red of his long kimono.

She had a simple and incredible beauty.


"Is it really late, are you still training?"

"No, we're done," Long Zhu replied.

"It's cold, don't take too long or you'll get a cold."

"En." Long Tian waved.

"Long Tian, I hope you do well tomorrow, I know you will be very proud of your mother," Meng Lin-Huo said before closing the door.

Long Tian swallowed.


It is not as if Long Tian is not confident.

He was just afraid that Meng Lin-Huo was not pleased enough.

She was very demanding.


That night, Long Tian was unable to sleep.

His mind was disturbed, he was still distressed by tomorrow's selection.

The Celestial Winds Academy, is the largest academy in the Country of the Central, one of the ten largest in the world, forming dozens of powerful divine specialists and famous for having formed the trio of the most powerful divine guardians in 300 years.

Many of them were chosen to succeed great masters.

Since he was a child, Long Tian was greatly encouraged by his family to become a divine expert.

Incidentally, he needed to have influential power to take over the leadership of the family in the future, since his older Sister abdicated this duty to become a hunter.

Because of this, he was isolated for 2 more years to begin his training as the next Lord of House Long.

* Sigh.

Long Tian got up quickly and put on his overcoat.

Stepping outside, he found himself again on the patio balcony.

He crossed the courtyard to the other side, where the training wing was.

Long Tian approached one of the sword holders and took out a wooden blade.

Right there, Long Tian raised his arm and prepared an attack.

It was silent, the snow fell slowly ...

His arm of him then came down in a quick movement, and a gentle blade of wind cut the path, scraping all the snow off the ground in one direction.

Long Tian held out his hand, and a small snowflake fell on it in two pieces.


He was still not satisfied.

"I will become a divine expert, whatever the cost."