"Fight Against the Torture Specialist"


Cold weather in the hills of Shenzou.

A crow had screamed as it flew across that white, icy desert, climbing up to a huge mansion.

The symbol of the white dragon was great on the coat of arms of the gate.

Inside the courtyard of the Long Mansion, Long Tian wielded a long sword, dressed in a blue tunic with the same coat of arms, which was now slightly smeared with dirt.

Oho! Oho!

Blue eyes opaque and vibrant like biting ice, staring at your opponent on the other side of the arena.

Oho! Oho!

In front of him a few meters away, Long Kun was staring at him with folded hands.

His eyes were barely open and he smiled slightly.

Even though he seemed so off guard, Long Tian knew that in his first attempt to hit him, he would suffer a terrible counterattack.

Just like he did with Zhao Syaoran and all your other opponents.

It was impossible to know how he would react.

Long Tian moved his feet slightly, making marks on the snow-covered earth, turning it over.

Zhao Syaoran who was there watching the beginning of the fight, was perplexed

He wondered if that was how Long Tian had felt when he fought Long Kun.

It was a mental battle that started long before physical combat.

Zhao Syaoran knew this feeling well and seeing it from another perspective made him shiver.

How did Long Tian manage to stay so calm?

He must have seen it countless times.

Then, Zhao Syaoran saw Long Tian be the first to move.

The shining sound of the silver blade of his sword echoed as he ran quickly to meet the old man, who blocked the blow even faster with his bare hand, surrounded by black energy.

With a light push, Long Tian jumped back and gave another impulse for a series of strokes.

Long Tian appeared and disappeared in a matter of seconds every time he tried to hit Long Kun.

From all sides, that old man bounced, deflected and blocked his attacks without any effort or getting out of place.

Long Tian appeared again a few meters away and shuffled his feet in preparation for his next attack.

He put pressure on his feet and a slight aura rose over his body, making his clothes float slightly and his hair stand on end.

The blue sparkle in his eyes became a little brighter and he stared at the old man.

On a powerful impulse, Long Tian flew towards the old man and shone on his blade.

As if it had been a slow motion, Long Kun calmly turned his torso to the right and then stared at Blood Tian Long.

As soon as Long Tian stopped, he was panting and felt a light weight on his body.

His eyes were wide and he was looking in all directions.


The old man didn't even move an inch, but he was gone.

Or rather, he was standing on the other side of the courtyard, casually wiping the sleeves of his tunic.


"Huh? Are you finished yet? So I think it's my turn now."

The old Long Kun then stretched out his arm, making the black energy form the so-called three claw blades.

"Triple Strike of the Black Beast!"

As with Zhao Syaoran, Long Kun streaked the air twice, creating two black blades of energy that flew towards Long Tian.

Long Tian then jumped out, easily deflecting, but when he turned his attention to Long Kun, he was already out of sight of Long Tian.

He immediately took a defensive stance, looking at all the land when he heard the slightest sound of footsteps.


Long Tian turned quickly when Long Kun came up behind him, blocking the blade.


Long Tian groaned, feeling slightly pushed by the pressure of the blow.

The shock of the blades made his arms tremble a little and he was barely able to hold his sword.

However, Long Kun was smarter, at the same time he jumped and kicked Long Tian in the chin, knocking him to the ground.

Long Tian staggered a little stunned and felt a taste of iron in his mouth.

The blood flew and stained the snow on the ground.


Supporting himself with some difficulty, as soon as he regained his sight, that damn old man was gone again.

Damn it!

Long Tian was tired.

On the balcony of the first building, Long Zhu watched the training.

He had just arrived and no matter how many times he looked at Long Tian, he would always be impressed by his skills.

For someone his age to put up with Long Kun training was either extremely crazy or very brave.

First Long Tian, and now Zhao Syaoran was also able to fight him strongly.

Today's era has brought many strong geniuses.


Long Kun appeared again, he made several jumps around Long Tian before attacking him unawares.

The moment Long Tian turned his back again, he came up and delivered a sharp blow to the air.

However, Long Tian jumped up and flew towards Long Kun

"I got you, you old bastard !!!"

Long Kun was really surprised by his reaction, but Long Zhu put on a slight smile that the fight was over for a long time.

Long Kun also gave a slight smile, he was not negligent, so he wouldn't let himself be caught by a trick like that.

Quickly he returned to a defensive position by retracting his arms, just as Long Tian's blade approached, he took a slight detour, holding Long Tian's fist.

With his other hand flat, Long Kun hit Long Tian in the chest and the enormous pressure that went through him made him spit blood.

Long Tian flew and hit his back against a well-cut log and groaned in pain as he fell to the ground.

A little stunned, all he managed to do was raise his head with difficulty, to face the old Long Kun who was totally serene.

"You are slow! And you shouldn't underestimate your enemies so much."

Long Tian didn't know whether to curse or thank him in any way, all he did was drop his head back against the snow and stay right there until his body had the courage to get up again.

"Long Kun, you should also have taken it a little easier with him," Long Zhu said, approaching.

"Master Long," Zhao Syaoran greeted him.

"Young master Zhao." Long Zhu also nodded. "I see you are well, this is great."

"Brother Long," Long Kun greeted him.

"Brother." Long Zhu also greeted him.

He looked at Long Tian who was lying on the floor and then at Zhao Syaoran who still had some injuries.

"You seem to have trained a lot with these boys."

"Long Tian has improved a lot, although it still fails in the same things."

"Urgh!" Long Tian groaned in frustration, standing up.

"As for Zhao Syaoran, he is very temperamental and tends to show off his strength at the beginning, I don't know what to think about it, but he has had a good development so far."

Zhao Syaoran gave a proud smile.

Long Kun then approached him and touched him on the shoulder.

"I hope that next time you won't ruin the fun so quickly."

Immediately Zhao Syaoran withered.

"En ..."

Long Zhu laughed.

Long Kun smiled slightly. He looked at Long Tian and Zhao Syaoran.

"You can now head to the west training wing, practice your cultivation for now."

"So ... Does that mean I'm approved ...?" Zhao Syaoran said.

"Yes, you passed the assessment."


"Now I will get heavier with you."

"It is possible."

"Long Kun doesn't have his name known as the Torture Specialist for nothing," Long Zhu said.

Long Tian got up and went to Zhao Syaoran, pulling him by the shoulder.

"Let's go."

The two boys withdrew from the arena.

Long Zhu and Long Kun watched them leave until they were out of sight.

"News from Princess Huang?" Long Kun asked.

"She arrives in Shenghall tomorrow morning ... I hope everything is fine."

"And the documents?"

"They have been sent, they will arrive safely to her soon."

"Do you think Lord Huang plan will work?"

"I am confident of that."
