
In the morning when Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang arrived at the walls of Pais do Oeste, there was a great commotion at the entrance.

"What's going on?" Zheng Xi-Wang asked, looking out.

There was a long line of people and carts at the gate, yet nothing seemed to move and people were screaming.

Huang Mei looked out, raising an eyebrow when someone passed her.

"Excuse me," she called, "Sir, excuse me."

The little man looked at her and bowed briefly.


"Can you tell me what's going on at the entrance?"

"It looks like a boy stole food from a wagon and now the guards are beating him up."

"A boy ?!" Huang Mei was amazed.

How could they beat up a child like that?!

"But why did he steal the cart, can you tell me?"

"Things are not going very well in this country, My Miss, people end up having to steal now to survive."

Was the economy of the Country of the West so bad?

Why didn't she hear about it ?!

Huang Mei had many questions.

"Sorry, My Miss, but I have to go on my way now, forgive me if I can't help you any more."

"It's okay, thanks anyway." Huang Mei then took some gold coins out of his sleeve. "Here my lord."

The man took the coins totally scared.

"No! I can't accept it!"

"Please accept it, I imagine you need it, it's not much for me." Huang Mei smiled.

The man looked at her with watery eyes.

Was that an angel ?!

Was there such a good being on this earth as that young lady?

"T-Thank you, Miss, that you have a prosperous life!" The man bowed and left.

"Mei Lin, is it okay to give money to that man like that? Won't it cause problems?" Zheng Xi-Wang asked seeing the man leave.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Huang Mei then opened the carriage door.

Huang Mei then left.

"What?! Wait!" Zheng Xi-Wang followed her out.

She soon started to feel very uncomfortable in so many eyes staring at her in that extravagant outfit.

Two young wealthy ladies walking in front of a row of poor people was unusual.

Huang Mei on the other hand was serious and didn't seem to mind those looks.

"Please stop! He's just a child! He didn't do it!" A woman screamed in tears as she was restrained by other people in the queue.

"That little thief stole my merchandise! He has to pay!" A paunchy man snarled.

Meanwhile, the guards at the entrance laughed as they beat and kicked a child.

"You have a lot of daring boy!"

"This is the Country of the West! You should be thankful that we didn't kill you! There are worse punishments for thieves like you!"

They spoke.

"Argh! Urgh! I was just ... I was just hungry sir ...!" The boy tried to speak with pain and tears.

"Nonsense! Take him to prison soon!" The merchant shouted.

"What's going on here ?!"

A soft voice came from behind him.

The man was startled and jumped backwards falling to the ground when he saw Huang Mei.

She had an irritated expression on her face.

Even Zheng Xi-Wang was tense and kept quiet.

There were few times when she saw Huang Mei irritated and all of them were not pleasant at all.

Even the guards stopped when they saw that strange young lady appear here.

Huang Mei then looked at each of their faces.

She looked at the woman who was crying, at the boy beaten on the floor, then at the merchant and the guards.

Her expression of her was disgusted.

"What does that mean? Why are you hitting this child?"

"He's a thief, he's just being punished," one of the guards said, showing some courage.

"A thief? He's just a kid! You shouldn't be taking it like that!"

"And what does a little lady like you have to do with that, huh ?!" The other guard acted arrogantly.

"Is that how your emperor treats his people? It is totally disappointing." Huang Mei raised his voice in an even more despicable tone.

"All criminals are treated the same way here, madame, are the laws of the Country of the West."

"Release the boy now."

"Who do you think it is to give us orders, madame?"

Zheng Xi-Wang then shrunk her body.

At this point, everyone was already gathered to see all that uproar.

A young lady was confronting the Western Country guards.

How would that come out?

"And who do you think I am?" Huang Mei then showed her identification card with the symbol of the Huang Imperial Family.

The man froze and sweated cold at that very moment.

"You who should be beaten up to learn to have more respect for people."

"Sorry! I didn't recognize you, My Lady! I didn't think it was ... I didn't mean to offend you!"

Huang Mei just looked at them with disgust, and glared at the merchant, who recoiled in a startled cry.

It was as if she had attacked him with blades just looking at him.

"Don't worry, your Emperor will know that and you will wake up with a mouthful of ants tomorrow."

"Please, my lady!"

"Zheng Xi-Wang."

"Y-Yes!" Zheng Xi-Wang then signaled to some of the servants who accompanied the carriage and they approached, picking up the boy from the floor.

"Take him with us," Huang Mei ordered, then looking at the woman and walking over to her.

The woman looked at Huang Mei as her savior, she was perplexed and admired.

Huang Mei smiled slightly and held out his hand.

"Is he your son?"

"Y-Yes ... My Lady!" The woman paid respect.

"Please come with us, we will take care of your son."

"No, please ... I ... I beg you." The woman was still very frightened, facing the guards and the merchant.

"Don't worry about them, if you follow me you will be safe."

The woman looked at her hesitantly for a few seconds, but she decided to follow Huang Mei back to the carriage.

"You are ruined now," Zheng Xi-Wang said to the merchant before going along.

Everyone who looked at that scene was puzzled.

Everything was silent for a long time...