"Meeting Emperor Sheng"

When they passed through the gates and finally reached the Imperial Palace, Huang Mei was received by the Imperial Counselor.

When she got out of the carriage, the Imperial Counselor came running towards her.

"Princess Huang Mei! Princess Huang Mei!"

Huang Mei looked at him indifferently, he was quite breathless.

It seemed that his confusion at the gate had already reached the Emperor's ears.


"Welcome! This servant greets Princess Huang Mei! May the princess live another thousand years!" He bowed briefly. "Our Emperor awaits you in the throne hall, I will take you there."

"Okay, let's go Shuang."

As soon as Huang Mei came down, the Imperial Counselor watched a beautiful, tall young lady descendants behind her.

She wore a long autumnal dress and a transparent veil that covered part of her head, but it was still possible to see her beautiful face.

Her lips were red and her eyes were clear and almond-shaped, her skin a dark color never seen before.

The Imperial Counselor was totally delighted.

If he had discovered that young lady years before he was married, he would certainly have done so with her.

Also, to be walking with Princess Huang Mei you should be very rich too.

To have a beautiful young wife, rich and exotic as she would be a dream.

Zheng Xi-Wang however only felt their eyes and ignored them, moving away as quickly as possible.

This was as bad as judging her for wearing pants.

How dare such an old man look at her in that disgusting way ?!

Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang entered the Palace with the Imperial Counselor.

"Announcing the arrival of Princess Huang Mei, from the East Country!" Announced the Imperial Counselor as soon as they arrived at the gate of the Imperial hall.

When they entered, Huang Mei was not impressed with the place, until now, the Imperial Palace was like any other.

She had to walk a few more meters before reaching Emperor Sheng, who was sitting on a throne on a high pedestal.

"Emperor Sheng." She bowed briefly. "This princess salutes Emperor Sheng, that he may live for another thousand years."

Or just die soon! You old bastard usurper!

Zheng Xi-Wang just bowed his head along with Huang Mei, keeping these thoughts in his heart.

"Welcome to the Country of the West, Princess Huang." Emperor Sheng spoke courteously. "I hope your trip has been a pleasant one."

The Emperor then looked at Zheng Xi-Wang and was amazed.

What beautiful young woman was she that he had never heard of and she accompanied by the princess?

She had a little familiar face ...

If she has enough status, perhaps he will make her his concubine.

It would be a waste to let it go again.

"Indeed it was, My Lord, I am grateful to receive you."

"I heard you had trouble entering the city, some guards bothered her." Emperor Sheng raised an eyebrow, tapped his fingers.

"Oh yes, I was a little disappointed, I didn't imagine that your people were so badly educated." Huang Mei spoke harshly.

Emperor Sheng felt a vein throb on his forehead.

How dare she be audacious ?! She was looking for a war.

Emperor Sheng took a deep breath, he shouldn't be a villain.

"I beg you to forgive me, princess. We have had some crises recently and the people have tended to be more rebellious, but we are taking care of that."

"I see, taking care of that, my lord says ..." Huang Mei remembered her boy on the road and his mother.

Before going to the Imperial Palace, Huang Mei left them in a hospital for the boy to be treated, and she left a card with the imperial symbol on the woman in case anyone tried to bother them again.

A little bit of anger rose on her face, but she struggled to hide it as quickly as possible.

Emperor Sheng then stood up, and motioned for some servants to clear the way.

"Let's go to a place where we can talk better." Emperor Sheng then signaled and Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang accompanied him.

Passing down a corridor to the west, they saw a garden, towards another hall.

"Tell me, Princess Huang, the young lady who accompanies you, who is she?"

Huang Mei then realized.

It was true, Zheng Xi-Wang was seen as a young lady with no identity.

As Emperor Sheng had not been informed of Zheng Xi-Wang's presence, he was naturally curious.

"Oh yes." Huang Mei cleared his throat. "She is Xiao Wang'er." Huang Mei invented some name at the time. "She is a powerful noblewoman from the North, as you know, she I am on a business trip. With other countries."

Huang Mei had to lie.

She wanted Zheng Xi-Wang to use her experience to help her on this mission, but she respected Zheng Xi-Wang's wishes of her enough so as not to expose her real identity.

Anyway, it's not like she needs to be honest with Emperor Sheng.

The policy was full of false smiles and kindness.

Everyone knows that the Country of the West and the Country of the South have enmities, the behavior of both sides was just to keep up appearances.

Both Emperor Sheng and Huang Mei were doing this.

But she knew Emperor Sheng's real face well enough to know that she was now in the enemy's nest and should be as cautious as possible with her actions.

"Xiao Wang'er?" Emperor Sheng did not recognize that name, but he did not question, after all, his country he had never had a good relationship with the Northern Country, so it was natural that he did not know his nobility.

But Princess Huang is walking so easily with someone apparently important is really admirable.

He did not expect her to have such political skill.

So in fact, that young lady seemed to be influential and empowered.

He would not hurt to have she as his concubine.

Emperor Sheng was satisfied in some way.

Huang Mei soon noticed his good mood.

When they finally reached the other room and settled down, servants appeared and poured tea.

Huang Mei accepted but did not drink.

Emperor Sheng just smiled while drinking and then started a conversation.

"Princess Huang Mei, I am amazed at her presence here, you are much more beautiful in person than they say."

"I am flattered, my lord."

"When I received her letter of attendance from her, I was really surprised, I didn't imagine that the young Miss Princess was so good with politics for her father to send her personally, it must be a really desperate crisis."

"We have been at peace for many years with other countries, so suddenly being threatened was really frightening." Huang Mei sipped the cup.

"I understand, so for this reason, the princess was on a mission in search of an alliance with the other countries, what makes Emperor Huang think that the East Country is also not making an alliance with other countries?"

Are you implying something, sir Emperor?

Huang Mei looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"We do not seek war, Emperor Sheng, it is quite the opposite, we want to guarantee beneficial ties with all countries so that no crisis reaches Shenzhou again."

Huang Mei took another sip, clearing his throat.

"However." She wet her lips. "It looks like the Country of the West hasn't been in a good situation lately."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard rumors, my lord, about the Country of the West is in a crisis, have you been poor?"

Emperor Sheng hesitated for a moment, controlling his breathing.

"In fact, we have had some economic problems lately, but this is already being resolved."

Being solved huh?

Huang Mei well remembered seeing the clear difference between the poor and the rich part of the city.

Those nobles were very well off and had no problem.

The crisis did not even affect them.

While she saw people on the streets starving.

She did not believe that in ten years, Sheng Rei had destroyed the prosperous country of the West in this way.

That greedy old man!

"I am not very confident about that, my lord." Huang Mei spoke in a depressed tone. "What I saw in the short time I was here was really unpleasant, maybe the Country of the West is not a good ally."

That girl was trying to ruin me huh ?!

Emperor Sheng felt like strangling her right there with his own hands.

How dare she call him incompetent?

"I understand that you had unpleasant experiences today, princess, but you can trust my words that it was nothing like what you really imagine, you can see that in a few days, everything will be just fine."

"Then I will trust your words, my Emperor, you are so understandable and kind, if there is anything the country of the South can do to help you in your crisis, you can count on us."

Huang Mei smiled.

Emperor Sheng gritted his teeth.

That fake cow!

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"Thank you, Princess Huang. I will need some time to think about your proposal, but feel free at the Palace, we have already prepared a patio for you."

"I am grateful for the hospitality, Emperor."

Emperor Sheng then stood up.

"If you'll excuse me, I have important matters to deal with now, Princess Huang, Miss Xiao." He bowed briefly and withdrew quickly.

Huang Mei held the smile until he saw Emperor Sheng's shadow disappear.

"Miss Xiao?" Zheng Xi-Wang asked.

"Your name from now on will be Xiao Wang'er, remember that." Huang Mei then stood up.

"So, that was Sheng Rei."

"Himself, let's wait for what he'll do about it for now, we'll have to go back to Central Country tomorrow morning."

"This is tiring."

"I know, but unfortunately we have to do it, it's for the sake of our Holy Empire."