"The Princess of the West"

After that morning with the Emperor, Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang were escorted by the servants to their rooms.

Passing through the ornate and long corridors of the palace, they finally arrived at the Courtyard.

There were some maples planted all the way.

The red tiles were supported by columns and wooden ornaments from Tree of Heaven, so their aromatic scent spread throughout the house.

It was a well-lit and airy place, freshly cleaned.

It was possible to see the shine of the wood on the floor and everything was very calm and cozy.

Huang Mei was surprised.

This time Emperor Sheng really acted as a host.

This was a very pleasant place.

The servants carrying Huang Mei's luggage then entered, and began to organize.

"Miss, please, feel free, we are here to serve you."

Huang Mei then walked into the house and Zheng Xi-Wang started to accompany her, but was prevented by one of her servants.

"My lady, no, your patio is on the other side."

Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang stopped and looked confused.

"What do you mean? Aren't we going to stay in the same courtyard?" Huang Mei raised an eyebrow.

"My lord said that it would not be acceptable and worthy noble ladies to share a courtyard, so he prepared another courtyard to make them more comfortable."

Huang Mei was really confused and admired.

When did Emperor Sheng become so considerate?

He prepared such a nice courtyard for Huang Mei and still worried about Zheng Xi-Wang even when he was not informed of her arrival.

She really didn't expect this.

It is certain that she is a princess and a patio just for she she would be the minimum of the host etiquette.

But Emperor Sheng was not the type to pay attention to the details of the etiquette, that was too much for his personality.

He wouldn't make a point of preparing another courtyard so quickly.

Maybe he was changing?

Huang Mei was a little disappointed as it would now be more difficult for her and Zheng Xi-Wang to meet.

Did Emperor Sheng somehow discover his plan of him and that's why is he separating them? Did he want to prove himself innocent so desperately?

What did he intend with that?

"I see ... Yes, that would not be very respectful." Huang Mei smiled weakly. "I will thank Emperor Sheng later for his care of him, please take good care of my company."

The servants then bowed briefly as they bid farewell to Huang Mei, then left followed by Zheng Xi-Wang.

When Zheng Xi-Wang arrived at her courtyard, it was no different from Huang Mei's courtyard.

The servants quickly entered and organized everything.

Zheng Xi-Wang watched them organize while she was lost in thought.

No matter how, even if she changes her identity, her nature will still haunt her.

So there she was again in noble robes inside a palace.

Returning her her old life her for a moment.

It was nostalgic.

Zheng Xi-Wang then remembered her father, she smiled slightly remembering the day she had fled the Palace, the face he had made her when he saw her jump out the window was hilarious.

Zheng Xi-Wang quickly became melancholy.

How would her father be now? Would he be worried about her? How would he react when she came home?

So many thoughts, Zheng Xi-Wang was stunned when suddenly the servants pulled her to change.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you doing?" They dragged her into the bedroom.

"Lunch will soon be served, Young Miss requested the presence of Princess Huang and Young Lady Xiao."

"Young Lady Xiao?" Zheng Xi-Wang felt a little strange and offended by that title.

She was not too old to be called a lady!

And being called by another name was still strange.

"Young Miss, do you speak of Princess Sheng?"


The servants then removed the ornaments from Zheng Xi-Wang's hair.

They were surprised that she had really short hair and were admired for being so silky and shiny.

Zheng Xi-Wang's face was also not bad under that makeup.

In fact, she was beautiful for a noblewoman.

What scared her the most was when she took off her dress and there was a muscular body underneath

They were already amazed that Zheng Xi-Wang was so tall, she looked like a goddess, but when they saw that under that long silky dress and that smooth face there was no slim figure, they were really scared.

One of them even let out a small cry, but she stopped herself quickly, which drew a smile from Zheng Xi-Wang.

She loved how people reacted to seeing her, it was comical.

Being strong and scary for Zheng Xi-Wang was a source of pride.

They prepared a bath and quickly Zheng Xi-Wang washed.

This time, she herself chose her costume, which to the surprise and envy of her servants, even though it was a simple dress and hairstyle, Zheng Xi-Wang still looked like a beautiful and feminine woman.

When she left for the dining room, she met Huang Mei on the way, who was beautiful as always.

The blue dress fit her little body of her very well and she had a loose bun that left two strands on the side of her head.

A simple look, but that showed its pure beauty.

"It looked as good as her her fancy dresses, you should dress more like that," Zheng Xi-Wang said when she approached her.

"And it looks like you still know how to dress like a noble."

"It is so good to be able to get all that junk off me, my head is even lighter." Zheng Xi-Wang stroked her red hair.

"To your unhappiness, you will still have to dress like this while we are here," Huang Mei whispered.

Zheng Xi-Wang frowned.

"I miss my pants, I feel strange, I was so used to not feeling a wind between my legs and being able to move freely."

"I never stopped to think about it, pants must be really practical."

"For sure, you should use it too."

"They don't look as good as they do on you."

"You never tried to know! When we get back to the North Country, I will make you use one."

"I will pass."

"It's your punishment for making me wear all these dresses and ornaments!"


The doors of the hall then opened, Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang went in to find a large table.

There was all kinds of food from one end to the other, however, only one person was sitting on it.

A young black-haired girl was sitting on one of the chairs.

When she saw Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang enter, she got up quickly and bowed.

"Princess Huang! Miss Xiao! This Princess greets you."

Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang paid a brief compliment.

Looking at the girl, she was dressed simple but as chic as Huang Mei.

So that was the Princess of the West, Sheng Mia.

She wore a red kimono and had her long black hair tied by a golden tiara.

Her makeup was light and she had gold bracelets and earrings on her body.

She is a worthy princess.

"Please have a seat."

Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang settled down, followed by Sheng Mia.

As soon as the three of them sat down, the servants began to serve the food.

"Forgive me for my father is not present," Sheng Mia said, starting to eat. "He's always so busy, so he doesn't have much time to eat with the family."

Sheng Mia smiled slightly.

She was the only one besides Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang at the table.

"Don't worry about it, princess, I'm not so petty." Huang Mei smiled back.

"I understand an Emperor's responsibilities, so it must be difficult for him as well."

Sheng Mia messed up the rice a bit.

She felt a slight vein pop.

You barely arrived here and already intend to offend me ?!

Who does this bitch think she is to say that she is better than me ?!

Is she calling me vacant ?!

Sheng Mia understood what her father meant when she said that Huang Mei was a cold-faced princess.

She did not really control her language.

Huang Mei just pretended and even silently.

She could feel Sheng Mia's sharp eyes, but she ignored them.

"My father said that the princess came on a diplomatic mission." Sheng Mei tried to start some conversation.

"Yes, I came to discuss peace matters with the Emperor," Huang Mei emphasized when saying that she was there to speak only with Emperor Sheng.

She didn't want a piranha like Sheng Mia to get involved in her business.

"I understand ..."

Sheng Mia really tried to hide his hostility from her towards Huang Mei.

She then looked at Zheng Xi-Wang, who was standing there silently.

It was the first time that she saw a person from the North Country, so she was quite curious.

"The people of the North are very beautiful." Sheng Mia caught Zheng Xi-Wang's attention from her. "Miss Xiao, right?"


"You are a very beautiful young lady, you look much younger than you look, I am surprised that you are single at that age."

Zheng Xi-Wang felt a vein pop out.

How old did you think me was? Was it because of the makeup?

And this girl ?! She was trying to get into a fight ?!

She was really trying not to jump over Sheng Mia.

Who does she think she is to say what I should or should not do with my life?!

"Thank you ... Princess Sheng." Zheng Xi-Wang cleared his throat.

"I would like to visit the Northern Country one day, Mrs. Xiao could guide me, I would like to meet a handsome groom like you."

"I'm flattered Princess, it would be a pleasure."

Both Zheng Xi-Wang and Huang Mei were amazed by Zheng Xi-Wang's calm and courteous words.

Nor did she even believe that she had such patience to act cynical.

Huang Mei watched her in surprise, holding a bowl of soup.

When she started drinking the broth, Sheng Mia stared at her for a moment with a disguised smile and quickly looked away.

Huang Mei felt that look and it bothered her in some way.

Why had Sheng Mia looked at her in that strange way?