Long Tian and Zhao Kuan were parallel.
His feet were positioned and his arms were outstretched with his hands splayed.
"Concentrate your divine energy from your core and channel through your arms, mentalize the runes." Long Zhu spoke in front of the two.
Giving a forward momentum, Long Tian and Zhao Kuan forced the energy of their bodies outward.
But only Zhao Kuan was able to materialize the brands.
As soon as Zhao Kuan performed the movements, it was possible to see the white energy passing through his arms like veins and going towards his hands.
Soon two rune circles formed in his arms.
One of the circles was around the wrist, while the other circle was in front of the palm.
"Very well, Zhao Kuan," Long Zhu said. "Try to stay focused longer before materializing your weaponry."
Zhao Kuan took a deep breath.
It was difficult to concentrate so much energy for so long, even for him as an experienced veteran.
Long Zhu looked at Long Tian.
Not even the smallest spark of energy emanated from his body.
The boy was already panting and with a frustrated expression.
In any case, Long Tian did not expect to succeed.
Manipulating his divine energy was something he did not yet master.
"Don't worry." Long Zhu put his hand on his head. "You'll make it, it's just a matter of time."
Long Tian smiled weakly.
"Yes, I know, I will train more." And then he repeated the movements over and over again as he has been doing all this time, even if he did not get any results.
Zhao Kuan was impressed by Long Tian's dedication.
Even though he was less experienced, Long Tian managed to stay on the same level as his and the other veterans.
Even if Long Tian used only his physical skills, Zhao Kuan still thinks he would be able to lose to him.
Of course, he would never admit it.
But in his heart, he came to admire Long Tian.
"Okay! Zhao Kuan, your focus is quite stable." Long Zhu caught his eye. "Now mentalize your divine weaponry and focus the energy on your outer form."
"Yes sir!"
Zhao Kuan focused his eyes in front of him.
He could feel the sweat coming off his forehead.
He was quite anxious.
It would be the first time that he had been able to consciously invoke his weaponry.
A slight tingling could be felt from his palms and then the white energy joined in front of him in a geometric shape.
A long, long blade began to form.
Long Tian, Long Zhu and Long Kun stopped looking closely at what was going on.
When it finally materialized, Zhao Kuan held it in his hands and the marks disappeared, exploding that shiny shape into a tangible weapon.
"Wow." Zhao Kuan put the strength to hold the heavy sword.
He could barely lift the hilt and its blade was so shiny that no one could look at the sword directly.
Although large, the blade was shaped like a triangle, pointed and wide.
Its sides were serrated in large, sharp concaves as if the blade had been cut by the teeth of a large animal in random shapes.
With that glow, it really looked like lightning.
The sword also had a high and pointed texture and a black stone was encrusted in its middle.
Its cable had the protector in two arms and the cable with bundles of silver alloy in the shape of a cross.
"The Sword of Thunder ..." Long Kun spoke ecstatically.
It was the first time he had seen a legendary weapon so close.
Imagining that he almost died for that made him even more ecstatic.
"It's heavy." Zhao Kuan couldn't lift it.
"How did you manage to raise that then ?!" Long Tian was impressed.
It was almost as big as your father's sword.
"I don't know," Zhao Kuan said, a little nervous.
"You are thinking of the weapon as a solid, remember, it is pure energy, it is not really heavy, your mind makes you think that." Long Zhu explained. "You are tired too, so make it look like it is even heavier, take a deep breath. "
Zhao Kuan took a deep breath.
Emptying his mind, he felt lighter and then his arms were also lighter.
In an impressive scene, a small boy now lifted a large blade by the handle easily.
After a few seconds admiring that, Zhao Kuan sighed and undid the weapon, which again dematerialized and transformed into pure energy that disappeared into the air.
Zhao Kuan fell to the floor exhausted and stayed right there.
"Zhao Kuan, that was incredible," Long Tian said, smiling.
Zhao Kuan looked at him in surprise and smiled.
There were few times that Long Tian was kind to him, so it warmed his heart.
"Thank you ... Brother Long Tian."
The next day, in the morning, the Western Country Palace was in turmoil.
A large carriage was being prepared in the courtyard.
There waiting for him was Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang ready.
Emperor Sheng and Princess Sheng were also there to do the honors and say goodbye.
Finally Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang would return to the Capital.
"Princess Huang! We are ready!" One of the servants warned as soon as all preparations for the trip were completed.
"Okay, thank you very much." Huang Mei turned and looked at Sheng Rei.
Both Sheng Rei and Sheng Mia were calm.
Huang Mei could feel the smiles of happiness inside her that she is finally leaving.
But don't judge them, she was also happy inside to finally be able to get out of that place.
Strangely, her headaches and fatigue passed and she was apparently fine.
Although she still had a feeling that something was still wrong.
Which was still true, since she still had the poison in her body.
Was it any effect for her to think it was just the momentary stress?
If she apparently wasn’t sick, she couldn’t blame Emperor Sheng for her illness right?
As she suspected, Sheng Rei was too smart to make such a risky move.
"Princess Huang. Miss Xiao." Sheng Rei bowed. "I wish you a peaceful and pleasant journey."
"Thank you Emperor Sheng for taking care of us for all this time, we are very grateful," Huang Mei replied. "My greetings to the Emperor and Princess Sheng, who live another thousand years."
Sheng Mia felt like laughing.
She knew it was lip service what Huang Mei said.
"Greetings to Princess Huang," Sheng Mia returned, "Have a nice trip."
Emperor Sheng and the princess watched Huang Mei move towards and enter the carriage.
Zheng Xi-Wang also made a brief silent bow before entering.
They followed the carriage with their eyes until they passed through the gate and then disappeared.
As he crossed the city, Huang Mei realized how silent she was compared to when she first entered.
Even the border was fluid and strangely deserted.
You hardly saw travelers.
Did Sheng Rei forbid the entry or exit of the country?
Something happened.
Anyway, Huang Mei couldn't afford to think about it right now.
She rested her back comfortably on the seat and took a deep breath, closing her eyes.
"Are you okay?" Zheng Xi-Wang asked approaching.
"I think so ... I just want to get some rest."
"All right."
"And you ... How are you feeling?" Huang Mei looked at Zheng Xi-Wang.
She knew that since that night Zheng Xi-Wang had been a little tense.
"Me? I'm fine ... Why?" Zheng Xi-Wang looked away.
She couldn't face Huang Mei when she lied.
"... Hmm." Huang Mei stared at her. "You are a liar." Huang Mei leaned against Zheng Xi-Wang and hugged her.
"W-What ?! No!"
"Zheng Xi-Wang is bad! I thought we were best friends!" Huang Mei looked at her poutingly.
Zheng Xi-Wang felt an arrow strike her heart.
How could she be so cute ?!
Huang Mei knew how to take advantage of her weakness.
"Ni ..." Zheng Xi-Wang didn't know how to react.
How could you do this to me ?!
This was going to be a long journey.