"Poison Specialist"

"Open the gates !!!" someone shouted.

The main courtyard was busy.

When the guards opened the main gate, a large carriage entered the Long Mansion.

Zhao Kuan was the first to run there, followed by Long Tian.

Long Kun, Meng Lin-Huo and Long Zhu followed close behind, watching from a distance.

When the carriage finally stopped, a large, strong being jumped out of it.

She was wearing a big red cloak and only her face could be seen.

Long Tian quickly recognized that person.

Zheng Xi-Wang who had left with Huang Mei.

He felt anxious.

"Shuang!" Zhao Kuan shouted waving at her.

"Zhao Kuan." Zheng Xi-Wang smiled.

Although she didn't admit it, she was happy to see him again.

When Zhao Kuan approached Zheng Xi-Wang, Long Tian realized how tall she was close to him.

Few inches apart, but still, she was taller.

"Young master Long," Zheng Xi-Wang greeted when Long Tian approached.

He just nodded and tried to look into the carriage.

"Where's Huang Mei at?"

At that moment, the door opened again.

Long Tian couldn't help but admire her when he saw her.

Huang Mei was beautiful in a white and blue dress.

Her hair in a bun highlighted the features of her thin, delicate face.

"Mei Lin!" Zhao Kuan said cheerfully.

Huang Mei got out of the carriage and tapped the dress's high back, giving a cheerful smile.

"Zhao Kuan-Ops!" Huang Mei laughed when Zhao Kuan jumped on her and hugged her.

"I missed you so much! Why did you leave me here!" Zhao Kuan cried as he rubbed his face against Huang Mei's small head.

"I missed you too."

"Dramatic!" Zheng Xi-Wang rolled his eyes. "Zhao Kuan stop it! You're making us ashamed!" Zheng Xi-Wang grabbed Zhao Kuan by the tunic collar and pulled him away from Huang Mei.

"Boring." Zhao Kuan pouted, returning to Long Tian's side, it was then that he noticed that his brother had red ears. "Will you continue to stare at my little sister like that?"

"Eh?! W-What?! No! Stop it!" Long Tian pushed him.

"Yes it is! You're drying Mei Lin again! Admit you like her! Admit it! Come on! She's here in front of you!" Zhao Kuan jumped on Long Tian, pulling on his red ears and ruffling his hair.

"Zhao Kuan! Stop it!"


"Princess Huang Mei!" Long Zhu, Long Kun and Meng Lin-Huo approached and made a brief respectful bow.

Huang Mei returned the same.

"Come on in, you must be tired, I will ask you to make some tea, so we can talk better." Meng Lin-Huo said.

"That's right."

Long Zhu then ordered the carriage to be taken.

All luggage was transported to Princess Huang Mei's courtyard.

Everyone then headed for the main house.


The conversation was pleasant.

Everyone was happy for the return of Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang.

Huang Mei took a generous sip of the tea while watching everyone.

She regretted having to ruin that moment ...

And as if she couldn't get any worse, she felt a severe pain in her head.

* Crack!

The cup fell from her hand and broke down spilling tea.

Everyone at that moment fell silent and turned to see what was going on.

Zheng Xi-Wang was the first to approach Huang Mei with a concerned look.

"Mei Lin, are you okay?"

"It was just a severe pain ..."

"Mei Lin, you must be exhausted, do you want to rest?" Meng Lin-Huo asked.

"Mei Lin is not exhausted." Zheng Xi-Wang then spoke suddenly in a serious tone.

Huang Mei immediately looked at her, wishing she didn't say anything at that moment.

Everyone looked confused and Zheng Xi-Wang noticed all the looks.

Long Tian realized that something very wrong was going on.

"Zheng Xi-Wang ... Did something happen?"

Long Tian's tone made everyone worry even more.

"Huang Mei is sick."


"Huang Mei was poisoned."


Everyone was puzzled at that time.

Long Zhu banged his fist on the table causing the dishes to fall and everyone felt the tremor.

"Sheng Rei bastard! How could he?! Is he crazy ?!"

"What do you mean she is poisoned? Are they not afraid of death?"

"They must have put it in the food. It could be a very aggressive asymptomatic poison ..." Huang Mei said.

"How are you doing?" Meng Lin-Huo was the first to approach. She touched her hand to Huang Mei's forehead to feel her temperature.

"Just headaches and fatigue, easily mistaken for stress and tiredness."

"So nobody would suspect that it was an induced disease ..."


"This type of poison is usually effective against the divine energy core," Meng Lin-Huo said.

"Do you think that..."

"They want to harm Huang Mei by driving her away," Zhao Kuan said.

Those motherfuckers!

Long Tian clenched his fist in irritation.

"We need to find a way to cure it ... Identify the type of poison and neutralize it." Zheng Xi-Wang said. "We were hoping that Zhao Kuan could examine it to find out something."

"Zhao Kuan?"

"I'm not as good at medicine as Mei Lin, but poisons are one of my specialties," Zhao Kuan said, "I can prepare an antidote and she will feel better."

"Is it possible that this poison has traces?"

"Judging by the time, I think it's unlikely."

"They were careful."

"Anyway, I don't think they expected us to find out."

Huang Mei is a medical expert, although it is rare for women to be able to study this type of thing and she prefers to keep it a secret.

If she didn't have that knowledge, she would never know that she was poisoned and would live forever with an everlasting fatigue.

"Even if it heals Huang Mei, it will still leave irreversible consequences on her cultivation ..."



"... I knew it was dangerous, I shouldn't have let you go, I should have talked to your dad-"

"Not uncle," Huang Mei interrupted Long Zhu, "I decided to go, I was the one who was careless."

"Are you feeling very weak?" Meng Lin-Huo asked.

"No, it's just a slight breathlessness, but I'm fine apparently."

"You'd better rest as much as possible until tomorrow ..." Zhao Kuan said.

"I know that."

It was quite uncomfortable.

Huang Mei couldn't miss tomorrow's selection, or she wouldn't have another chance.

Discipline was taken very seriously.

"Sorry ... I didn't want to worry you so much." Huang Mei was crestfallen.

"Don't think about it! We care about you, it's okay." Meng Lin-Huo said. "Zhao Kuan, you can use our lab.Long Tian, take him there."

"En." Long Tian stood up.

"The faster we do this, the better. Huang Mei, come with me," Meng Lin-Huo said.