"Impact! Dragon Fist!!"


Long Tian stumbled back, deflecting the blow with the broken piece of wood.

He heard the clash of metal even though he was sure Huang Mei wasn't using a weapon.

It was even more dangerous since he couldn't even see her.


Long Tian felt something approaching and quickly blocked it.

Three ice blades flew towards him and was blocked by falling to the ground.


It was then that he felt a strong presence behind him.

When he turned around, Huang Mei hit him in the chest.

The strong impact made him lose his breath for a few seconds and threw him away.

Long Tian managed to recover in time to land on his feet.

He took a stand and faced Huang Mei.

She was standing there and not showing a trace of effort.

How did she move like that without getting tired?

Had the medicine already taken effect?

It was not possible!

The truth is, Huang Mei really didn't make the effort to make those moves.

The Light Feet Technique is a first-degree Wind Style technique that uses a small amount of energy to speed up its wearer's movements, creating an aura that, when interacting with external energy, changes its direction.

So a creature that interacts with the energy of such a technique will have its sensory energy directed in another direction, which does not allow detection by the user.

Even though it is a technique that requires a certain control and concentration of energy, Huang Mei has a high physical ability and great amount of divine energy.

Even using a third-degree Water Style skill like Shape Change Conjuration that requires more energy at that time was next to nothing to Huang Mei.

Which for her was also a scary thing.

Even though her energy core was affected by the poison, Huang Mei felt good about using her abilities.

Maybe it was really the medicine?

Or maybe not...

Anyway, Huang Mei felt strangely very strong at that moment.

Both stared at each other thoughtfully for a few seconds.

Long Tian then sighed.

Huang Mei felt his aura stir a little and everything felt colder.

A hot breath came from Long Tian's mouth and he threw his sword to the ground.

It wouldn't do for anything anymore...

"There's no way... If that's what you want, then forgive me if you end up getting hurt." Long Tian spoke.

Huang Mei was somewhat surprised.

Was Long Tian underestimating her?!

It was clear that she was stronger and more skillful than he was.

Where did all this trust come from?

Will he really try to attack with martial arts even though he knows Huang Mei is superior in technique?

Anyway, that weird feeling said that Huang Mei should get ready.

He barely had time to react when Long Tian suddenly came towards him.

Huang Mei took a defensive stance at the last moment, blocking a punch with her forearms that threw her farther away than her blow had hit Long Tian.

She hadn't even landed on the ground when Huang Mei saw Long Tian walk past her and I came back, kicking her in the back and knocking her over.


It was like the exam!

Huang Mei at that moment remembered that he could not underestimate Long Tian's martial arts.

After all, he was the nephew of Long Kun, one of the three Great Martial Arts Masters.

Huang Mei knew Long Tian would come soon for another attack, so she reacted.

As soon as the second blow came, Huang Mei turned in time to block the second kick.

Falling to the ground, Huang Mei quickly spun around and tried to knock Long Tian down, getting up quickly.

Long Tian also dodged and the two exchanged hand strokes.

The impact of the blows was so strong that all the snow and dirt around him was starting to wash away.

The two then walked away.

Huang Mei then joined his hands and large ice spears formed in the air and flew towards Long Tian.

Long Tian almost got caught by some of them, who barely passed and hit the ground hard.

The young master then channeled the divine energy of his body into an aura, and it was possible to see the blue energy beams circling his wrists and legs.

When another spear came towards him, Long Tian then turned and spun in a fist.

His hand would surely have gone through, but the aura around his body cracked the ice spear and his punch shattered him into pieces that exploded into the air.

Huang Mei had to protect herself from the impact and was very impressed by Long Tian's strength.

Surely he was holding back a lot.

However, maybe she didn't have time to assess it enough, the moment Long Tian approached her without even noticing.

It was like in slow motion.

Huang Mei saw Long Tian very close to her body, and his fist around the blue aura was coming towards her face.

Instinctively Huang Mei drew back, but it was too late.

The blow would definitely hit her.

As soon as Long Tian hit Huang Mei, a strong impact shook the ground and then dense dust arose...


Zheng Xi-Wang was in the courtyard of the area where she and Huang Mei shared.

Summoning his Lion's Jaw, Zheng Xi-Wang practiced some moves.

She was glad she didn't have to wear dresses and makeup right now.

As she moved freely with heavy blows in the air, Zhao Kuan appeared.

Zheng Xi-Wang ignored his presence, he stood there leaning against a pillar as he watched her train.

However, the more Zheng Xi-Wang felt Zhao Kuan's eyes on her, the more she became uncomfortable.

“Lost something?” Zheng Xi-Wang spoke as soon as she stopped for breath.

"Gods! Why are you so rude?"

"Say what you want."

Zhao Kuan sighed and walked towards Zheng Xi-Wang.

"I just came to see if you were okay."

"..."Zheng Xi-Wang felt a blush on his face and turned his head away. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You could be poisoned too, just in case. Lady Meng asked me to check you out."

"And since when do you care?"

"Of course I care! If you die who am I going to fight now?" Zhao Kuan spoke in an incredulous tone. "After all, we still have a challenge."

"Are you still taking this seriously?"

"Of course! And I got really strong." Zhao Kuan said excitedly, raising his fists. "And I will beat you, Shuang! You can be sure!"

"Pfft! Go dreaming." Zheng Xi-Wang rolled his eyes, propping his gun on his shoulder.

"Are you doubting?" Zhao Kuan then moved into a defensive position. "Then come."

Zheng Xi-Wang smirked slightly.

"Are you challenging me?"

"What do you think? Drop inside." Zhao Kuan teased her.

Zheng Xi-Wang then grabbed the Lion's Jaw by the fist with both hands and prepared for a lunge.

"Don't regret it later when you're all bruised."

"I should say the same, after all, if you lose..." Zhao Kuan looked Zheng Xi-Wang straight in the eye with a smile. "You will become my wife."

Zheng Xi-Wang frowned.

She slammed into Zhao Kuan.

When the first blow would then come, a strong tremor was felt and the two stopped.

"What was this?"

Another tremor.

Smoke then rose to the west.

"But what..."

Servants then ran past towards the smoke.

"That...is Long Tian's Courtyard." Zhao Kuan spoke.

"Hey!"Zheng Xi-Wang caught the attention of one of the servants. "What's going on?"

"Long Tian!" The servant spoke quickly. "Long Tian and Princess Huang are fighting!"

"Mei Lin?!Long Tian?!"

"But Mei Lin wasn't..."

"Not that!" Zhao Kuan then ran away.

"H-Hey! Wait!" Zheng Xi-Wang then followed.

They both ran after the servants towards Long Tian's yard to find out what was going on...