"I'll Reach You!"

When Zhao Kuan and Zheng Xi-Wang arrived in the courtyard, a crowd had gathered.

Dust covered the entire yard.

That's when Long Zhu appeared.

"What's going on?!" He looked very worried.

Nobody here had any idea what was really going on.

"Long Tian and Huang Mei..." Zheng Xi-Wang spoke, then the dust began to settle and gray hairs were seen.

Everyone was static at that moment.

Huang Mei was standing a few meters from the center.

She breathed heavily as she undid the ice shield.

A large amount of ice was around her and on her body in thick layers.

Other than that, she didn't have many bruises, which surprised everyone.

The servants and some of Long Kun's students who were in the hall were amazed.

"Wow! The Princess is so strong!"

"What was that explosion?! The Princess who did that?!"

"Long Tian..." However, as the smoke receded from the center, someone standing there began to be seen.

Huang Mei still maintained a defensive position, as if she still projected a shield at a specific point.

At that point, close to her, a bloodied arm could be seen.

When the dust cleared, Long Tian was still standing there in attack position, as if he had frozen in the punching motion.

He didn't even move, and he wasn't as worse as Huang Mei, however his arm was badly hurt.

"Long Tian!" Long Zhu yelled.

"...Huh?!" Long Tian didn't react for a few seconds and when he regained consciousness he looked around confused.

Everyone was looking at him and Huang Mei.

It was a mixture of reactions that ranged from excitement to concern.

"Father...?"Long Tian looked at Long Zhu, who looked furious. "Oh!"

Long Tian's body then fell forward and he couldn't control it.

He lost the sense and strength of his body for a few seconds, but luckily, Huang Mei held him.

"You are well?!"


Zhao Kuan and Zheng Xi-Wang ran towards the two.

Zhao Kuan helped support Long Tian who was still feeling a little dizzy.

He wasn't used to using that much energy like that.

"Mei Lin!" Zheng Xi-Wang grabbed Huang Mei by the cheeks. "Are you okay?!"

Huang Mei was surprised for a second, but smiled a little embarrassed.



"I'm fine...I think." Huang Mei was actually in shock.

She swore she had seen her whole life flash before her eyes.

She had no idea how she made it out alive.

If she hadn't made a continuous barrier to block Long Tian's blow in time, she didn't know how potent that would have been.

Looking at Long Tian now, she admitted that he really was strong.

"Right, right! The personal show is over! Go away!" Zhao Kuan yelled to all the curious people still there.


"What were you thinking?! Are you crazy?!" Zhao Kuan yelled at Huang Mei.

"Look how you talk!" Zheng Xi-Wang hit him in the head.

"Auch! Am I wrong?! Mei Lin isn't even cured and gets involved in a fight! What if she got worse? I'm no medical warrior!"

"Well... you're right..."

"I'm fine." Huang Mei said, trying to calm him down.

"And how will we know?! Mei Lin! You're not the reckless type!" Zhao Kuan was unrecognizable.

Even for Zheng Xi-Wang it was shocking to see just Zhao Kuan lecture someone.

It was ironic that the roles were reversed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you..." Huang Mei looked down. "I just wish..."

"It was my fault." Long Tian said.

He was on another bed, his arm bandaged by Meng Lin-Huo.

"I was irresponsible and let the princess take a chance even though I knew her condition, I apologize."

"Long Tian, don't you..." Huang Mei noticed how depressed he looked now.

Was it because he was weak? Did he use that much energy?

"It doesn't matter now!" Long Zhu then snapped. "Both were reckless! Huang Mei! You're still sick! You mustn't exert yourself! What if something had happened to you?!"

"I told you, I'm fine! I didn't even try to use that much energy." Huang Mei said.

"It doesn't matter! You're a noble! Start acting like one!"

Huang Mei lowered his head.

"From now on, you'll stay here until exams confirm you're better for tomorrow!"

"Yes sir..."

"Did you get that right?!" Long Zhu spoke louder.


Zhao Kuan and Zheng Xi-Wang were shocked at how Long Zhu managed to lecture the princess.

Was that really allowed?

Anyway, it was for her good.

"And Long Tian!" Long Zhu turned to his son. "No matter who started it, you still don't control your divine energy completely! That was too dangerous! What if Huang Mei hadn't contained his attack? of a training!"

"...Excuse me."

Long Zhu stared at him for a while and then sighed wearily.

When did dealing with young people become so difficult?

Long Tian was depressed.

Although relieved, he felt a little guilty and also angry.

He was still weak.

Even with so much power, with so much training, he was after Zhao Kuan and Huang Mei.

In fact, Huang Mei had an absurd amount of divine energy for any divine warrior of all ages.

It had been centuries since someone with such an incredible ocean of energy had existed.

Huang Mei fought Long Tian using only his basic skills.

Yes, basic.

She didn't even release her energy to attack him as he used nearly half of her divine energy and even that wasn't enough to do significant damage.

Not that Long Tian really wanted to hurt Huang Mei.

But he realized how far behind he was still from people who are supposed to be on his level.

So he could never fight her...


Everyone had left for more important tasks.

After all this fuss had calmed down, Long Tian and Huang Mei were now alone in the infirmary to heal.

A calm silence filled the room.

Huang Mei was lying down and looking at the ceiling.

"....I'm sorry...Long Tian."


"If I wasn't reckless I wouldn't have caused so much trouble, I wouldn't have gotten sick or tried to fight you even though I knew I shouldn't, and your arm wouldn't have dislocated...Maybe I'm not ready to be a-"

"You are not reckless." Long Tian spoke abruptly.

Huang Mei stared at him, however he didn't look at her, her face was turned to the window and the bright and strong light came in, barely letting her see him.

"Emperor Huang has entrusted this mission to you because he believes in your potential and so do we, because our destiny depends on it. You are the Snow Princess, the Master of Medicine, an exceptional warrior with internationally recognized skill, the youngest master martial in over a thousand years, it can be a heavy burden for someone to carry alone, but that's why you have all of us to support you, those two... and me.” Long Tian then faced her directly after a long time.

Huang Mei saw those blue eyes look into hers directly for the first time in years and it made her heart race.

"You're skillful, strong and smart. Everyone trusts you and that's why you're here. Don't be bothered by those who fear you, so don't let them scare you..." Long Tian smiled weakly. father said that, it's because he cares about you, it's not because you're incapable."

Huang Mei stared at him for a while and smiled weakly.

"When did you get so wise?"


"You almost look like your father."

"Thank you, I think."

"How's the arm?"

Long Tian looked at the armband and moved it.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Good thing..."Huang Mei looked a little depressed."...I just wanted you to recognize me a little, treat me as an equal...Like Zhao Kuan and Zheng Xi-Wang do...It's a little bit frustrating when everyone takes me too seriously..."


"I don't just want to be seen as the Snow Princess, Martial Master or something...Sometimes I just want to be like Shuang, I just...Mei Lin." Huang Mei muttered.

"How Shuang...?" Long Tian was a little thoughtful. He looked at Huang Mei and smiled. "You know...I'm relieved."


"You are very powerful, I would feel bad if that punch really hit you." Long Tian clenched his fist. "Then I'm happy to call you Princess, Princess."

Huang Mei however frowned.

"But I'm still going to train harder and get stronger so we can fight again."

Long Tian then stretched a fist towards him.

"I'll catch up! Isn't that what we promised, Mei Lin?" Long Tian had a gentle smile.

Huang Mei's eyes sparkled.

"I'll catch you!"

That phrase resonated in his head like a memory.

She felt her eyes water with happiness, and then she smiled.

"En! Long Gege!"

"You know I don't like you calling me that!"

"Long Gege!Long Gege!"

"Hey! Stop it!" Long Tian frowned.

But actually, he was quite happy.