"Divine Runes"

"Runes are an extension of divine powers." Li Ming-Yue began. "They are said to come from the ancient language of dragons and can be used in the form of written seals or in circles of energy."

Once again Long Tian, Zhao Kuan and Zheng Xi-Wang met in a class taught by Li Ming-Yue.

They were very excited, since the last training sessions were giving a lot of results.

That day, Li Ming-Yue was talking about the Divine Rune Arts, a subject that mainly interested Zhao Kuan, as he was graduating to become a Matrix Master.

"The Divine Runes have at their base, as well as the divine energy, the elementals Water, Earth, Fire and Air and the subelementals Lightning, Ice, Iron, Wood and Smoke and the Yin and Yang energies.

This depends on your caster's ability to manipulate elementals and energies, the creativity for combining new elementals is endless and many Masters of Divine Powers who use Divine Runes tend to specialize in their own style of elemental.

"For example, I use the Wind and Water Style, which I improved on the Ice Style." Li Ming-Yue said, forming a little snowflakes in her hands.

Long Tian immediately thought of Huang Mei.

Like Li Ming-Yue, she was also a Wind and Ice Style user.

There would be a good chance that Huang Mei could become an apprentice of Li Ming-Yue, if he is interested in her abilities.

Which is not difficult, since Huang Mei already has many eyes on him.

Such a young and talented Divine Specialist certainly catches the attention of many masters.

"Although the Divine Runes are used extensively by Masters of Divine Power, it is the exclusive domain of the Masters of Matrixes." Li Ming-Yue continued to explain.

Zhao Kuan's eyes immediately sparkled.

He even straightened in his chair to better hear Li Ming-Yue speak.

"It is often used on scrolls, as a pool of power beyond the divine core, always carry divine scrolls with you.

Scrolls can be of the Offensive, Defensive, Effects, or Seal types.

Offensive scrolls guard attacks based on elemental styles, while defensive scrolls, as the name suggests, contain barriers or protections, usually made based on Yang energy and hold much more skill and domain of their spellcaster for that.

Effect Scrolls are usually used with earth and water energy and have limited effect, they are usually short-term improvement or healing effects, used in battles, training and even by medical specialists, as their preparation is easy and requires less energy.

Seal scrolls, on the other hand, require a lot of energy, and must be conjured by more than one person. They are used in rituals and people who use this type of scroll must have great skill and power control, they have several purposes, whether to release or to seal an energy, it depends on the use, therefore, one must be careful..."

Long Tian remembered her sister Long Daiyu studying Seal Scrolls.

Like her mother and Zhao Kuan, Long Daiyu was very skilled with Divine Runes.

Long Tian can feel a shiver down her spine as she imagines what Long Daiyu might be able to do with a Seal Scroll, as these are quite powerful...

"For a Matrix Master, mastering Rune writing is essential, as Matrix Masters are also Masters of Refinement.

Potions, Pills, Revitalizers...Everything requires extensive knowledge and study of herbs and control of divine power, since only 60% of refinements are successful and considering that depending on the quantity, 4 to 12 units are refined...Yes ?"

Zhao Kuan then raised his hand.

"Ms. Li Ming-Yue, grand masters of Matrixes are only able to achieve 80% refinement success, would a 100% pure supplement with 100% refinement success be possible?"

Li Ming-Yue looked at Zhao Kuan with some curiosity and smiled.

"It's not impossible, but as she said, it takes great skill for such a feat. Perfect refinement requires conditions that are normally difficult to achieve."

"I understand."

Long Tian looked at Zhao Kuan, and he had a satisfied smile...


"Finally!" Zheng Xi-Wang stretched out of the room. "That so many runes were making my head spin."

"Speak for yourself, it was fascinating to me." Zhao Kuan spoke excitedly.

"You're a matrix freak, I don't expect anything too much from you." Zheng Xi-Wang shrugged.

"Zhao Kuan is very skilled with runes, Zheng Xi-Wang. With his skill level and divine power, I don't doubt that 10 years from now he will become a great Matrix Master." Long Tian spoke nonchalantly.

Zhao Kuan then patted him on the back.

"See?! Brother Long thinks I'm amazing!"He smiled.

"I said you are skilled."

"It's the same thing!"

"Mei Lin!" Zheng Xi-Wang spoke as he saw Huang Mei approach.

"Hello!" The little albino smiled.

"Hi Mei Lin! How was class?" Zhao Kuan asked.

"Fun I think...Master Gao Lin Gan taught us the manipulation of elemental styles." Huang Mei smiled. "I think I will develop a new technique soon."

"Wow! I so wanted to be Master Gao Lin Gan's apprentice!" Zheng Xi-Wang cursed. "He's so strong! And a Master of Martial Arts and Divine Power!"

"Next quarter you're going to teach with him, aren't you?" Huang Mei said. "With luck, Zheng Xi-Wang, until the end of the year he'll pick you."

"That would be a dream." Zheng Xi-Wang spoke in awe. "Will I ever have muscles like Master Gao Lin Gan?"

"Meeeh!" Zhao Kuan grimaced. "Then I'm the stranger."

"What about your class? How's it going with Master Li Ming-Yue? I hear she's very strict."

"Divine Runes!" Zhao Kuan said. "She talked about matrices! It was fantastic!"

"Oh! I would like to take this class, it would be good for my medical studies."

"Do you want to be a matrix master too?" Long Tian asked curiously.

"Of course, after all, I'm a divine expert in medicine."

"Mei Lin is a genius of refinement! She is almost 50% successful!" Zhao Kuan said proudly.

Almost 50% success?!

Long Tian was impressed!

Huang Mei was so young and already skilled as a Veteran Specialist!No wonder she herself can take care of her condition when she was poisoned!

"Not really." Huang Mei blushed a little.

"I'm sure a great matrix master would choose her as an apprentice." Zhao Kuan spoke up.

"Master Wu Jie is a Matrix Master...But I don't want to become a Matrix Master." Huang Mei smiled.

"One down on my competition!"Zhao Kuan smiled.

"What do you want to specialize in?" Long Tian asked curiously.

"I still don't really know..."

"I think you would be a good Master of Divine Power...Like Master Li Ming-Yue." Long said said.

"True! Ms. Li Ming-Yue is an Ice Style Specialist like you!" Zhao Kuan said excitedly.

"But if Mei Lin wants to follow through with medical teachings I think it's a good one too, she's very skillful." Zheng Xi-Wang said. "She's both our support and our offensive power."

"True, but still, I'm much better at matrices! I think I can handle it very well," Zhao Kuan said proudly.

"I wouldn't put my life in your hands." Long Tian said.

"Our brother Long, that's how you hurt me." Zhao Kuan pouted. "Anyway, soon Mei Lin and I will be the legendary great masters of the matrix!"

"Don't even dream big you."Zheng Xi-Wang said rolling his eyes.

"See Mei Lin! She's doubting us!"

"In Mei Lin I'm quite sure, but you... I doubt it a lot."

"Are you guys always fighting?" Long Tian asked with a grimace.

"You get used to it." Huang Mei said.

"At least I don't dream of 'great master Gao Lin Gan'," Zhao Kuan said mockingly.

"What did you say?" Zheng Xi-Wang was irritated.

"Respect! Master Gao Lin Gan is one of the Three Holy Warriors! You can't keep talking like that." Huang Mei whispered.

"Humpf." Zhao Kuan snorted.

"Looks like someone is jealous." Long Tian gave a discreet smile looking at Zhao Kuan.

"I think so too." Huang Mei smiled.

"What?! Jealous?! Me?! I'm not jealous! Who's going to be jealous of this one?!" Zhao Kuan spoke nervously.

"Fuck off!" Zheng Xi-Wang came out annoyed.

"Here we go again..." Huang Mei sighed.