Huang Mei looked carefully at Gao Lin Gan.
Everyone was around him in the courtyard.
The area where Huang Mei stayed with the others was further to the West. It was a little sad to be away from his friends for so long.
Huang Mei could see Gao Lin Gan up close and that was impressive.
He was much taller than she thought, could easily be over two meters tall and his muscles were much more marked than they appeared.
He wore a yellow tunic where one side left his chest the sample and the arm free.
On that same shoulder, he had a large shoulder pad with the figure of a Lion's head made of gold and below the tunic, on the other shoulder, Huang Mei could see the figure of a sun tattooed on the right side of Gao Lin Gan.
She also noticed that discreetly, there were several stripes tattooed on Gao Lin Gan's arms and face in almost the same shade as his skin.
Gao Lin Gan had the same skin tone as Zheng Xi-Wang, a honey brown, the same color as his eyes.
His hair, however, was a very light blond, and he sported a spiky cut, with a stubble shaved only on his chin.
Although he was old, Gao Lin Gan had a youthful air.
Anyone could easily say that he appears by his size and physical appearance, to be a man of a little over 30 years, although they know that this is by far his real age.
Huang Mei thought that for sure, Gao Lin Gan was from the North Country, which made her very curious.
She had never heard about Gao Lin Gan's past, especially when Northerners are very patriotic, so it's not common to see Northern Country people around. The reason she made Gao Lin Gan become one of the Three Sacred Warriors was mysterious, just like its popular title.
Huang Mei didn't know enough about the Northern Country to have any idea if Gao Lin Gan was included in her stories, but maybe that's why Zheng Xi-Wang was so interested in him.
Although the Guardians are known, little is known of their histories, perhaps it is a matter of privacy...
Anyway, now Huang Mei had to concentrate on the explanation in front of her.
"The Divine Weapons are the manifestation of your divine energy concretely." Gao Lin Gan said. "Some of you as Second Degree students may be able to cast your Divine Weapons, however you still do not have full control. some mastery in that skill."
Gao Lin Gan then focused his energy.
He clasped his hands and everything went silent.
Everyone looked at him with tremendous attention as a slight golden aura surrounded his body.
Then Gao Lin Gan spread his hands and the energy around him began to concentrate and form metallic parts around his hands.
Some there were surprised.
The divine energy that materialized formed parts of the weapon that looked real.
Anyone who understood the minimum of weapons would easily mistake that for a real weapon.
Over Gao Lin Gan's hands were then great golden gauntlets.
Each was much larger than Gao Lin Gan's own hands, and had a thick, round base that looked quite heavy, with entrances with the same figure as the golden Lion's head.
"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed in awe.
"Cool, huh?" Gao Lin Gan spoke with a smile seeing everyone look at him.
"But that's not a weapon." Someone said.
Gao Lin Gan then smiled.
“It's called 'Divine Weapons', but it's not always a weapon. It can often be a piece of armor, a shield, or even full armor. divine and are a reflection of your spirit, so they will conjure the form that suits you best."
"So yours are gauntlets? Can you fight that?" Huang Mei saw a tall, gray-haired boy ask.
He was very handsome. He had long hair and wore a green and silver tunic.
His bearing was slender, and he had a serene expression.
Even a little away, Huang Mei could smell a slight scent of mint coming from him.
That was Xu Jiang Ning.
A young master of the noble Xu family of the Eastern Country.
Huang Mei remembered him from the Selective, and how strong and skillful he was.
He was one of those who had a Guardian of the Dragon Type.
"Yes, I am a Master of Martial Arts and Divine Power and as a focus on physical strength, I couldn't have better Divine Weaponry."
"I understand."
"Isn't it heavy?" someone else asked.
"I don't think so." Gao Lin Gan replied with a shrug.
Some muttered.
It was amazing how Gao Lin Gan could manage to handle so much weight apparently.
"Of course they're not heavy!" A red-haired boy said.
His hair was quite red, like blood.
Huang Mei soon recognized Zhou Tai-Yang, the boy who declared Long Tian as his rival.
"It's pure energy obviously! Even I could handle it," he spoke arrogantly.
"Is that so?" Gao Lin Gan then smiled.
He then undid one of the gauntlets and with his free hand, pulled the other one out and held it towards Zhou Tai-Yang.
Zhou Tai-Yang immediately looked at him a little surprised.
He just gulped and grabbed the gauntlet.
Until then he felt nothing, but when Gao Lin Gan released the gauntlet, the full weight of the weapon made Zhou Tai-Yang lose his balance and fall forward.
"Stop laughing!"
Some tried to hold back their laughter.
Zhou Tai-Yang struggled, but he could barely keep his gauntlet up.
Gao Lin Gan then smiled and took the gauntlet back from Zhou Tai-Yang's arms like a feather and made it disappear in energy.
Everyone was quite surprised.
Zhou Tai-Yang then retreated irritably as if nothing had happened, although he still saw some looking at him and whispering.
“What's wrong?!” he yelled and immediately everyone looked away.
"Pathetic." Xu Jiang Ning just rolled his eyes, feeling great shame for Zhou Tai-Yang.
“Who did you call pathetic?” Zhou Tai-Yang glared at Xu Jiang Ning, but Xu Jiang Ning didn't even look at Zhou Tai-Yang, keeping to his position and completely ignoring his presence.
"Anyway." Gao Lin Gan cleared his throat, drawing attention. "These gauntlets are called Fists of the Sun. Each Divine Weapon has its name." Gao Lin Gan said.
"How do we know the name of the Divine Weapon?" Huang Mei asked.
"You just know, it's natural." Gao Lin Gan said. "It's not something you can explain, you'll just know it and feel it."
"I think I understand..."
"Princess Huang, have you ever tried to cast your weapon?" Gao Lin Gan asked curiously.
Everyone turned their gaze to Huang Mei, after all, she was a Genio.
"And how did it feel?"
"Incredibly… different."
Gao Lin Gan smiled.
"What do you call your Divine Weaponry?"
"Ice Witch..."
"Oh! An interesting name... Did you choose?"
"No...she told me..."
Gao Lin Gan frowned looking at Huang Mei.
Is it over there...?
"Master Gao Lin Gan?" Someone called.
"How do we summon our Divine Weapons?" someone asked.
"A great question! How about I show you in practice?" Everyone perked up. "Come on, get organized and focus your core energy."