Chapter 6 The War Between Head and Heart

Rowan's POV:

After the Princes left we went about our day like nothing happened. However, you can expect there was gossip going around Moonhaven and its four provinces, that the Princes were here. I know because my family wouldn't shut up about it. The only thing that was bothering me was the strange feeling I had when my eyes locked with Prince Kelan and Kendrick. Mama always said that true love was possible because she felt it with Pa. I just thought they made a great couple because they grew up together. When I think about it though my head says it's not possible but my heart screams yes. Plus I can't stop thinking about the prophecy. More then one man? The Princes are twins so technically two which is more then one. But I still don't understand the ruin part.

But they are Royalty and I hate Royalty. Ugh, I just don't know what to do about these feelings I have. Hatred, Love, which do I pick? You know what! I won't pick either. If I just keep on thinking to myself that they are out of my rank then I'll be fine! After all that is what lead to this mess in the first place. It is how my Ma died. I remember Pa sitting me down one evening when I asked why she left us.


“Pa, where is Ma? Why did she leave us?”, Rowan at just the age of six asked. Pa looked at me dreary eyed and sighed. “Rowan, my little sapling, your Ma didn’t want to leave you. She had no choice. I can tell you she is in a better place now though. She is amongst the angels.” I looked up at the sky, trying to imagine my Ma up there, watching over me like Pa always talks about angels doing. “But why Pa? Why is Ma an angel?” Pa just gave a tiny, sympathetic smile and said, “Rowan, you won’t understand this now because your so young but your Ma trying to change the kingdom. Many people died. She was just one of many rioters who believed that pure royal bloodlines were wrong and that to better the kingdom they needed to marry into the common wealth. The common people know what is going on more in the Provinces so the people thought that if one of their own were to rule then it would help. But the current king of that time, King Leonitus lll, saw this as an act of war in his kingdom. He ordered for all the rioters to be executed. This is when his son, Prince Blake stood up as he has been old enough to take over for some time now. He killed his own father for the good of the people and started off the first marriage to a commoner who we now know as Queen Marie.” I watched Pa in silence but told him I understood.

*Flashback Ends*

Pa was right. I didn’t understand back then but I do understand now. My Ma had died trying to change the ways of the kingdom. I know I shouldn’t hold it against the royal family but they didn’t step in soon enough. If they did then my Ma wouldn’t be dead right now. However, my Ma’s wish was fulfilled. She would have been proud to see King Blake and Queen Marie. The first royal to marry a commoner. But would I love their sons? I am not so sure.