Chapter 7 The Royal Announcement

Rowan's POV:

It has been a month since I have seen the Princes. I have thoroughly escaped them every time I went to the Kingdom to get some food or they came back to the farm for a “checkup”. They have been doing more and more checkups here lately but it seems no one suspects anything of it but me. Everyone just calls the Princes polite and charming for checking on the welfare of their people. Me, on the other hand, I find it suspicious because they have never done this before.

However, I am quite happy for myself considering I escaped their notice. I didn't have to greet them, help them, talk to them, or even just stand there watching them talk to my family. It would only make those feelings worse. I just had to keep repeating to myself that they are arrogant and will one day marry a Princess. Which means there is no room or need for me.

Until one day, when Queen Marie had a royal announcement. She announced to the whole Kingdom that all girls and noble men from all 4 provinces: Bloodmoon, Fae Moon, Spiritmoon, and Rosemoon were invited to a royal ball. Why you ask? This is the new royal tradition for a lucky girl to catch the eye of the Prince (or in this case Princes) in hope of engagement. Now I have to go and confront the feelings in my heart. Confront that I can't escape how I truly feel. It may be in a prophecy but I have a choice in it to. I will play with destiny and see how this love game goes.

**Time Skip**

Rowan's POV:

Pa took me shopping for the Royal Ball. While the other girls went for tons of bows and ruffles, I decided to go for a different type dress. One that reminded me of my Province since I'm not much of a shopper. I found the perfect one which was different types of pinks and reds, it was layered, strapless (which I could deal with), and had flowers on it. It was absolutely beautiful. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to have it when all the sudden I felt a hand grasp my shoulder and I jumped in fright to realize it was only Pa. “You can have it Rowan. Don't worry about money, we have enough. This is one important night for you and I want you to look your best and make me proud whether you win their hearts or not.” I was shocked but smiled and hugged him and grabbed it and took it for the fitting. By the end of the night, I was ready and on my way to the ball.

Prince Kelans POV:

The next morning our mother had an announcement to make. Me and Kendrick were wondering what it was considering she has been secretly chatting about it with Father. Then when she announced that the royal family was having a ball to help me and Kendrick get engaged, we were infuriated. Until we realized it would only help our plan. So when mom asked how we liked our surprise, of course, we said yes but didn't act too happy or else she would be suspicious. After she left we went about our plan. We decided we would dance with at least four girls each. Meaning one from every Province to make it look convincing. We also decided that the girl from Rosemoon would be Rowan and that no one would suspect anything but think it's coincidental but all other girls would be different. After that was decided we went to the royal tailor to get our tuxes for tonights ball.

Kendrick's POV:

After Kelan and I decided on our plan of action, we went to the royal tailor. I ended up in a black tux, black bow tie, black dress pants, and black shirt while Kelan ended up in a white tux, black bow tie, white shirt, and black dress pants. We had to give the people somewhat of a hard time telling us a part but since it's a ball, we had to look somewhat different. So we went with different colored tuxedos. Finally, it was time for the ball. While father announced us, me and Kelan were nervous though everyone thought it was due to the ball. The only thing on our minds was us hoping our plan would work. We wanted our farm girl in our arms.