
Author pov


In a room filled with smoke.

An aloof and cold man, he is well known as the emperor of the business world was sitting at the edge of the bed and started to puff the smoke in the thought of 'her', his world.

He couldn't able to forget her. She was his life who broke his walls and made his heart to beat again but now she is not near him.

She is his, only his.

Even she is dead and buried. Her dead body and her soul are only his. No one can't take her from him. No one even she can't free herself from him.

He couldn't believe his love, his world left the world. Even if she dies she should die in his hands. No one has the right to kill or take his property.

She became his weakness and brought happiness to his dark world. In this world, if anything becomes his weakness he could destroy it but she was his only weakness left unkilled in this world.

He should have destroyed his weakness but couldn't dare to kill his own happiness. No one can replace her in his heart.

Near him, a beautiful lady was trying to sleep but she couldn't able to rest due to the pain. she looked at him and asked him "Alex, when are you planning to marry me ?".

when he heard "marriage. ...?"He smirked as he pointed his pistol on her head, "GET OUT ".

she got scared of him and collected her clothes and went off.

He took his cellphone and stared at the phone without a single movement within him.

unknowingly a tear fell from his eyes...

He knows he can change or rule the world but not the fate of his and .................




in present

Risa woke up by the annoying ring tone of the cell phone... who wants to die in my hand she thought......

Risa took a look at the caller. it was her friend, Clara.

Risa happily attended the call ...

" Hello, bestie what's up? " said Risa.

"bitch.... I am calling you for the past 30 minutes ".

"cool down bestie Why tension and why are you calling me so early, bestie"

"early....? you lazy bitch, see the time properly ."

Risa saw the time it was 12: 30 pm...

oh shit .....

" Sorry. OK, for what are you calling me ?"

"Idiot, did your brain have some damages...?" she asked.

" No, bestie," said Risa.

" Then what is the day today. You forgot me (she started to cry ). Today we planned to spend some time together ."

.. " don't worry I will come within 30 minutes. " answered Risa

Risa hangs up the call without getting any reply from her.

Risa knows Clara will surely yell like there were some calamities because risa hangs up her call without informing her.

she again called her 5 times but Risa didn't answer her call. Risa got ready within 15 min.

Again her phone started to ring. she took a look at the caller. it was her secretary. She forgot something important. Today, an important meeting was scheduled for her.


She attended the call and told him, as usual, to attend the meeting on her behalf as she has some urgent work to do. she directly hangs up the call without getting an answer.

Always her secretary attends the meeting or sometimes she will. But next week she should attend it without any excuses ...

As today was Saturday, Risa's house would be busier than the mall. So they won't consider her presence seriously.

she came out of the room and saw her elder brother, Robin glimpsing the phone.

she asked him "what happen, Brother ?"

"you know what happened on this day ? " he said to her with an unhappy face ... what day is this or really, I have some problems in my mind she thought. suddenly she got to know what day is this.

"ya, I know what happened on this day, and what is the connection between your mood and this day ?" asked Risa.

" you know I couldn't forget her till now ." she thought what a sentimental brother she has...

" Don't worry brother she will get back to you," she replied.

He didn't say anything and continued his work of seeing the phone. she left the house by bike.

within 15 min she came to an apartment. Risa entered the home with her spare key. She saw Clara. Clara was crouching angry with a large popcorn pack in her hand and watching TV. risa went towards her " oh, my bestie. I miss you too much ."

she said "if you miss me then why you didn't come and see me. "

"next time I will try to meet you often. can we go shopping, now "

"yes!! But for now, answer my questions. "exclaimed Clara.

she started to ask so many questions.

Risa slowly started to answer her questions one by one ...

then they started to talk about random things. they went shopping and to the restaurant and theatre ... and finally, they came to the bar ... Risa got so excited.

But Risa couldn't able to enter it because she was below 18 but with the help of her secretary, she could able to create a duplicate Id for herself. Clara doesn't need a duplicate id. as she was 19 or 21 years old.

But both studied at the same grade. Risa was so intelligent from her small age. she completed her schooling at her 14 or 15 age.

She was so intelligent and experienced girl like a 30-year lady but not in the real-life. She is naive but acts as wiser.

She was the youngest girl to complete her schooling earlier than the normal age. But she kept herself low profile. She has to join the university at her 15 th age but she stayed in the house for a year due to her mental problem. when she joined the university. Immediately she went to her second year because she completed her first-year exam without attending a single class. And now she is about to complete her second year to move on to three years. Finally, she will be free from annoying books and professors. Actually, Her course is for four years. she has to actually complete her course in her 20 th age but her father shortened it to 3 years because of her family influence and the main reason her father wants her to involve in the business as soon as possible.

Because she was so intelligent and now how to handle a business at such a small age.

They started to drink and dance. Clara recently became a bad girl after joining Risa ...

After a few hrs, they return to the apartment. . this is a small house with two-bedroom, a kitchen, and a hall. they both were friends from childhood.

this house was brought with their savings money so that they could spend some time personally...

Clara Understands Risa a little more than herself. If one meets any problem, they both use it to solve it together. Risa saw the time it was 3: 00 am.

Risa couldn't able to move an inch. so she throws herself on the bed and fell asleep there for a few hrs.


Mr Ian White: father of Risa white.

Mrs Hazel White: aunt of Risa white and stepmother of Risa White.

Mrs Maeve Harper: Mother of Risa.

Mr Robin White: elder brother of Risa.

Ms Ruby White: stepsister of Risa.

Ms Clara Hollis: best friend of Risa.

Mr Carlos Carson: a friend of Risa.

( classmate )

Mr Edmin: secretary of Risa.

Ms Lisa: professional name of Risa

Rose, Mia, Rebecca: a classmate of Risa.
