
Risa pov

I woke up earlier. I saw the time it was 6: 00 am. I attempted to wake up Clara. She told me she was not going anywhere as her head was paining a lot.

so I make my way out of the apartment.

As I was riding, I saw a small injured cat making its way out of the road.

I thought of help it but I never helped any dogs in my life. Because always in my dreams or in real life all the dogs used to come back of me as if I was a thieve or killed their ancestors. It will bite me and again it won't leave me before it takes a good amount of flesh from me. so I am feared of getting a bite from the dog for real. if the dog gets an accident, I will make others help it. so, I won't feel guilty that I didn't help it.

I stopped my bike near a shop and started to walk towards the cats.

From nearer I could see the cat had been trying its best to walk. I saw the surround as it was early morning only a few people were walking around.

i took the cat in my hand and caressed it.

" Meow!!!!" the cat hissed.

suddenly I heard a loud horn noise. I turned and looked at the road. A car was approaching me with an uncontrollable speed.

I came out of my thought when someone shouted and approached me... I suppose that person approached me in the thought of helping me ... I saw the car it was coming so fast but for me, it's vice versa.

I moved slowly as if I am dodging a small ball. I saw the person who came forward to help me. he fell into an awkward situation and moved as he didn't come forward to help me.


I heard a loud sound.

I looked at the car. It smashed near a shop .oops... I guess the shop maybe got damage. I moved forward and took a clear look. when I saw it I became so angry and also sad.

I began to scold the driver " Idiotic fellow. How dare you " I started to shout as i caressed the car in my hand.

The driver "hey! little.. girl. why..... a-are shouting ..... and I... didn't hurt...t you.. . Then..... why are shouting....?"

I got angry after hearing his words " Idiot. If you hit me or not. I will not care about that and if you again call me a little girl. I will surely break your teeth. "

" Then what is your problem ".

"Why did you land your stupid car on my bike "... He didn't say anything. I started to curse his ancestor and took a look at my bike and suddenly I saw that the driver was badly injured. And I glanced at the cat in my hand and I was about to leave as I have to take the cat to the clinic. I thought of leaving him like that but I am not the selfish fellow. so I called the ambulance and said " your luck. I am not in a bad mood so I am helping you. You have to thank me for helping you ".

I didn't hear anything. I think he went to his dream world.

After a few minutes. the ambulance came and I accompanied him till we reach the hospital. And then I went to a blue cross with the cat.

After a few hours, I left the cat in the ' take care 'center.

I thought of taking it to my house.

Again, there is a rule in my house not to bring pets inside the house and especially cats.

Fucking rules. I hate these rules.

in my family, all are allergic to cats but I am not I am different from them.

I went to the house through the window.

I saw the time it was 12: 30 pm. I went to fresh up and I went out of my room. I saw my aunt was talking to someone seriously. After she hangs up the call. I asked her" what happened".

she said, "I have to go somewhere urgently, so we will go shopping some other day ". I replied with a single word "OK ". and again I went to my room.


If there were any grammatical errors I am so sorry. English is not my first language.