Familiar figure

( continuing with the previous chapter of Risa pov )

Risa pov

After completing my work. I directly fell asleep.

Three days passed.....

Rose hadn't come to me for a fight but a friendly talk. only this person knows very well about her boyfriend and not misunderstanding him. They have a good relationship without misunderstood, I think.

as usual, I was listening to the class. when the break came. I went to the botanical garden which was located backside of the canteen and sat on the bench and started to listen to songs. while listening to the songs. I heard someone's voice. I turned and saw it was my other friend, Mia. Yesterday I went with her boyfriend.

so probably she came to know that I went out with her boyfriend.

wow, this time bomb explores at the correct time. Before I begin to weep or explain, she started it and she was shouting accompanying by her useless weeping.

I listened to her patiently. After 15 minutes, she stopped uttering.

I caressed her back and explained, " I didn't know that it's was your boyfriend. he called me that he wants to say something to me. he told me that he was loving me. some I went with him ".

but she didn't stop crying after hearing my explanation. I got irritated and started to walk towards my classroom and I was thinking. How she knows that it was me.

I didn't send the photo to her in which I was with him and only one photo

in which his and my shadow was visible with that she can't tell who was that person is.

Or did she asked her friend about it?

something is not right. I enter the class.

at the end of the lecture, mia came to me and said " I am sorry. I misunderstood you.

for my misunderstanding. I like to invite you to join my party, today evening. pls, don't say no if you say no I will think you went out with my boyfriend ".

I was distracted by Carlos when I was about to tell her ok I will come.

he was doing some hand action that ' don't go to the party '.

. I got angry about why he is caring about me. I was frustrated and I look at Mia and acted as I didn't see him at all. I gave my reply " ok sure, send me the address ". she said "ok I will send you the address"

we went out of the university and we both separated when we came to the parking lot. I went to my house, as usual, there was no one except for the servant. I got ready and left my home. I went to the address which was sent by Mia.

I entered the place as it was a private place and only a few selected members could get inside.

at the party, I saw a half of my class was presented and mia's class too. we enjoyed the party a lot and I suddenly saw a particular person who looked so worried it was Carlos. I didn't think too much and I started to drink till I felt like getting drunk.

so I told to Mia that I have to go home. she said, "I will come with you so that you won't get lost."

I thought of refusing her but I got a little drunk if I went alone I may encounter any trouble. so I said" ok " and she took me with her out and we make out the way hand in hand. I was still conscious so I know what is happening in the surrounding.

I saw the way, it is not the way to go out. I asked her" where are you taking me ". she didn't spout anything. she is taking me out in any other way, I think. so I didn't say anything . when we came backside to the place. I saw our surroundings. it was the outside of the building. I saw a group of boys standing in front of us. I think they are waiting for us.

I felt suspicious so I was about to go back but mia holds my hand and said: " where are you going, bitch? ".

as I want to escape, I said " I think this group wants to talk with you. so I am giving you some time to complete your talks ". after saying this, I started to take my hand from her grip. but she didn't leave me. I said, " what are you doing?". For that, she replied, " bitch, due to your beautiful face and your shape you were able to seduce my boyfriend. "

she said" today I will destroy your image then you see tomorrow you won't be able to seduce my boyfriend or any other men. " after saying she started to laugh evilly.

she signaled the group of boys to take the lead.

I don't know what to do as she was holding me tightly. I felt someone pulled me away from her grip. I fell on the person's embrace. I looked up and saw it is Carlos.

I freed myself from him.

I gave my reply " thanks for your kindness ".

he was about to say something. but without hearing him I turned back and moved. I didn't turn to see what was happening behind me. I went to the parking lot. I stood near my car and looked up at the sky. I felt some relief after seeing the sky.

I stood like that for 10 mins after that I enter the car. I didn't get much shock when I was about to get into an accident by car. but today a simple matter made me feel like dying.

I don't want to be tortured again.

I don't want to feel that pain again.

My memories started to haunt me.

That 4 days was like a hell. after coming out of my thoughts I started to drive towards my house. while driving I felt like I saw a person who feels like a familiar figure. I turned and tried to find that person. but it's was not the same person who I thought of. so I went to my house.......