Carlos Carson

as I expect the same person only...... it's Carlos Carson. I hate him to the core but I like him a little. He joined the college after me in the second year. From the first, I was the one who got the first mark always but because of him, I came to second place. He is a bad boy to me. As he is in the business lecture. I have to meet him daily. He is a favorite boy to all the professors. and they started to compare me with that person...

so that I hate him. But I started to like him as he always helps me when I am in trouble. After class, I came to the house and directly went to my room. I won't talk too much. I always hate to talk.

Three days before......

Author pov

Alex came out from one of his mistress's house. He is indeed a womanizer. He is not addicted to it. Just use them once and throw them out because no one is permanent in his life even his parents or his sister. If they have to die then it's in Alex's hand to decide their fate no one else but if anyone kills them, he surely takes revenge for them.

he has a limit to all the things.

Anyone cross their limit straight sending them to hell even if it is his loved ones he won't hesitate to do so. Even if his wife became a weak point for him he won't hesitate to kill her, only he can kill her no one else even herself. But if he desires anything he will get it at any cost.

He got a call that there was an attack on his secret base. who the hell is that person because no one was successful in finding his base. Alex was so secured in sealing the news without letting his enemies know about it or it could be a weak point for him to destroy him. He has gained a lot of enemies throughout his life. He lived a tough life and not waiting for anyone's care about him. From his childhood, he learned one thing not to show his humanity to anyone even to his family members.

he hangs up the call and started to drive his car. when he reached there was no one. Alex went inside and saw his right-hand man.

He was helping others, who got hurt. Alex asked him what happened. his subordinate told him, what happened and he replied to Alex of caught one of his enemies. Alex said, " good job."

Alex went to that person and asked "who is behind you. " he didn't reply to anything.


"No answer then no useful". He loaded his gun and shot at him. after he gave his orders Alex went out. when he was driving. Suddenly he banged at a bike. Alex stopped the engine and came out to check at the person. Then he realized he was trapped in their trap. Before he gets inside the car.


Alex covered his chest with his palm. he slowly removed his palm and looked at the bloodstain in his palm. he looked up and saw the person who was lied on the ground shot towards him. he went inside the car and started to drive. Through the rear mirror, he was a car that was chasing him. he speeds up the car. he can't fight with them in this situation.

after a few minutes, the car didn't follow. He started to slow down the speed but in vain. then he realizes the brake is broken.

He speeds up towards the hospital and while going on his way he makes a call to Martin. As he was talking on the phone. he saw a little girl standing in the middle of the road. He drove his car sidewards so he could save the little girl from his mistake.


A moment later,

he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the little girl who was shouting in the middle of the road. he asked her " hey! little. girl. why..... are shout ..... and I... didn't hurt...t you... Then..... why are shouting....?".

she frowned her face after hearing his words " Idiot. If you hit me. In any way I will be safe and if you again call me a little girl. I will surely break your teeth. "

" Then what is your problem ".

he slowly looked at her face and her face make him astonished. It's her. Suddenly his mind became dark. Slowly he went to the unconscious state.

Alex got up and looked at his surround. He understood that he was in the hospital.

He took a look at the news running on the television and realized he got up after 4 days. He wasted his 3 days' work. He heard someone's voice. He looked up and saw it was his secretary and the doctor. The doctor said " if he didn't have the willpower to get up then he could have probably gone to coma. I think he will be able to get up within a few hrs or days as he has the will power to get up. so you don't have to worry "

My Secretary said to the doctor " okay doctor. but thanks to you he got well in these 4 days."

"it's not me but himself ".

after saying that doctor went and my secretary came inside the room. she saw me that I woke up. she told " oh baby you woke up. I was so scared after you had an accident. I was crying you know. ." she is one of his mistresses.

Alex said, " don't call me baby tell me what happened in the past 4 days".

she told him what happened at the company. she asked him how he got into an accident.

when she specifies accidents he came to remember that sharp tongue girl. what a sharp tongue. it's her. He saw her three years before. when he was thinking about the little girl. his secretary interrupted by her words " what are you thinking boss?". I said " nothing. let go of the company ".

she was about to tell something but when she saw his face. she felt defeated and told him ok. when Alex came to my office. He saw the time it was afternoon. He called out his assistant, steven. I instructed him "I want all the information about a girl within 5 hrs. " Steven was surprised " sir, is that really you? "

" what? " Alex asked him.

" Nothing sir " and went out of his cabin. He was frustrated when he heard what that little girl told me. He is one of the most important, wanted, and respected by the world other than the royal members but a little girl scolds him who dare not to raise a voice against him. what a great girl who got the attention of a golden bachelor like him.

"soon I will find you and get you."
