Is she my twin sister ?

she started to cry " I... want money for my sister's... operation. so gold corp. helped me to pay the money... in return, they asked me...... to take the project module.........."

" mm, good. "

" you know the reason why they used someone's project?"

" don't.......'am"

" mm "

I turned my face towards my secretary and said " I need a personal assistant. "

I continued " who didn't work for Gold corp. before. got my point."

" yes, ma'am.."

I turned towards her and asked her as I looked at my pistol on my palm " do you know any information about gold corp. ? "


she started to share with me every detail which she knows about them.

After a few minutes " mm ok. "

I said as I loaded my gun and shot at her


" This time dispose of her body properly. " I said as I tossed my gun to one of my subordinates.

Mr. Edmin hesitated, " ma'am..."

" do you underestimate my ability? uh? "

" no ma'am "