
I got bored so I called my friend Clara.

we talked for hrs. I hung up the call. I felt severe pain in my eardrums. how my father and brother could able to talk for hours on the phone. Yea! I didn't see my brother for two and a half weeks.

if I ask my father the same questions. he will tell me you are talking too much. so I hate to ask questions to my father.

I called my secretary to get information about my brother. as a sister I should not interfere in my brother's personal life. so I told no need but my secretary consults me if everything is alright. I told ya and hang up the call.

I felt something is not right.

Authur pov.

*Scene changes*

In the 60 story building.

Alex attended the call " what's the matter?"

" leader, we found out a person who was involved in our young lady's death."

"good "

" leader, you want to know who....."

He interpreted him and said " now, I don't need to know who is that person "

"ok leader "