Amusement park

my secretary asked. " are you willing to attend the meeting? "

" I have my plans," I said as I turned my face and asked "when? "

"Sunday ma'am. after your birthday. "

"ok "

........ I came to my room. I feel so lazy. I started to sleep...

...Finally, Monday came.

I still have to wait for 4 days for my birthday.

I went to the university and saw the annoying idiot smiling at me after seeing my arrival.

Lecture by lecture got over with that annoying idiot near by me.

when the class was over. I put all the things in my bag and got up. while walking towards the class's door. I accidentally knocked on someone. without looking I said "sorry " before I began to move, that person holds my wrist. I asked, " what do you want?" I turned my face and looked at the person, it was that same idiot.

he said " if you want to tell ms sorry. then you have to come with me. "

what an annoying idiot. I asked " where? ".

" you will know when you come with me. "

" I can't "