
he continued " Baby, you can't escape from me in this life. "

He threw me inside the car.

During our journey, I sat near him inside the car with my mouth shut.

Suddenly the car stopped at a point. The driver said, " Master we arrived."

" mm " responded Alex as he went out of the car.

I didn't come out of the car but took a look at the sky and the surrounding through the window.

I just took a look at the signage board on the building in front of me ' Civil Registration.'

I didn't think much and I turned my face away but suddenly my eyes widened. I turned towards it and took a look at the signage board, again.

Wait. Is it ' Civil Registration. ' or I read it wrongly?

Why are we here?

" Why are we here? " I yelled at him.

" To get married," said Alex as he attended his ringing phone call.

to get married?

" what? to get married? Are you crazy? "

My ass!

Alex didn't give me an answer. But focused on his phone call.