
The driver asked, " Master, to the main mansion ?"

" No, yy district mansion."

" Okay, Master." said the driver.

" in-between, Please drop me in xx district," I said.

No response.

what the hell do they think of me?

I folded my arms across my chest and looked out through the window.

But still, I can't believe that I am married. I am actually married to this man who sat beside me with his eyes closed.

I slightly turned my eyes and looked at him.

Who the hell is he on this earth? Why did I get married to him? I just met him only thrice.

An unfamiliar person all of a sudden became my husband in the name.

I hope it's just a dream. I know it's real But I really couldn't believe it.

I was breaking other's relationships. Now it's my turn.

To break my own marriage.

In between, Why is this god so biased by making this man so handsome and attractive?

" Admiring me?" asked Alex with his eyes closed.