
Steven pov

I can't wait to see my love. I thought she would come for the meeting but she didn't come at all.

After the meeting, I went on a business trip.

Today morning I came back from the trip.

inside the car.

" Sorry, sir I can't able to call you daily to give Ma'am's daily routine work. "

"it's okay. don't make her know that you are spying on her. if she comes to know that you are spying on her for me. she will surely hate me. "

" I will be careful sir. "

I turned my face towards my side " how she didn't know that you were the one who stole the project file. "

I want to make a way to meet her so I told Edmin to steal the file. For this reason, she will surely approach me.

" From the first, I found a scapegoat for me. so only I was able to escape. " Edmin replied.

" I told you to check who attacked Risa. "

" Sir..... "

"I want the information within a week. " I said.

" I will try sir. "

" you must."