Feed me

I wiped my tears. I took out my phone to call my secretary. ..... why the caller is always busy. if I ask him the reason he will tell me he was talking to his girlfriend or the customer.

I have to cut half of his salary. for not attending my call.

I ended the call.

I made myself fall on the bed...


I got up while rubbing my eyes. I saw the time it was 5:00 am. It's so early. so again I started to sleep.

Finally, I got up when the time was 11:00 am. I took a fresh bath.

After getting ready I took my phone and purse and went to the parking lot to take my bike.

I started to drive towards Alex's mansion.

when I reached my destination. I parked my bike in the garage.

when I entered inside.

I saw butler was so anxious pacing down from one end to another end.

when he saw my arrival.

he came towards me and asked, " madam, why didn't you come yesterday?"

" I told you, uncle, I will be coming late. "

" But...master... "