I have already got a great gift

I tapped on his chest. He left my mouth after he drew the air completely from my lungs.

I panted as I stared at him. Before his hand slipped down. I caught his hand and questioned him " Where were you? "

" mm. meeting. "

" meeting? at this time? with whom? "

" An old friend," he spoke.

" an old friend? " I suspiciously asked him.

He nodded his head. " You can ask Steven too. "

He continued " I was about to leave the meeting earlier but my old friend fainted in our meeting. no other way so I admitted her to the hospital and came here. "

" There is no need to ask him. I believe you. But why didn't you attend my call? " I asked.

" I gave my phone to Steven," he said.

" Steven? but I called his number. He attended the call and I asked him. He told me you only have your cell phone. "

" Tell me, now. " I asked.

He kept silent and spoke. " Don't you have classes tomorrow? "

" Yes, I have. but you don't change the topic. "

" That... I kept my phone silent. "