Who is that woman?

on the day of new year eve,

Clara and I planned to attend the special music concert. Alex became sad that I wasn't planning to celebrate the eve with him. So I pulled him with me to the music concert.

The night was pleasant with the snowflakes. When time touches the 12. The firecrackers busted in the sky. We three were admiring the sky. It felt like the sky was blasting and revealing its beautiful colors.

Suddenly Alex's phone rang. He attended the call. Immediately his face changed.

He hung up the call and clutched his cell phone.

I looked at him.

I asked " Alex, is everything okay? "

He immediately changed his expression when he looked at me. He nodded his head.

" Do you want to go back? " He asked.

" No. I want to stay a little longer. " I said. He nodded his head. He held my face in his palm and kissed my forehead and told me to be careful. He said something to Clara and left from there.

I looked at his descending figure and asked Clara " What did he tell? "