
I waited till my birthday. It will be a great chance to get a sample of my brother's DNA if I pay a visit to my family.

In the morning,

My sleep was disturbed.

I yawned and pulled the quilt and covered myself.

" Meow, " the kitten moaned.

I opened my eyes and looked at my side and found a fruit basket.

I stared at the white cloth-covered over the opening of the basket.

My hand went to the cloth and removed it to find a cute white kitten.

wait! kitten?

I took the kitten in my arms and looked at it.

" So cute. " I exclaimed as I caressed the kitten's body.

I took the kitten near to my face and looked at it.

" cough!! " Alex coughed.

I turned and looked towards the doorway to find Alex who folded his arms and leaned against the wall.

He expected me to say something. But I didn't. I just played with the kitten.

" cough!!! " He again coughed to get my attention.

I didn't look at him.

I moved out of the bed with the kitten in my arms.