
In the afternoon

After I set up his place, I played with kitty.

Alex was continuously typing something on his laptop. From time to time he glanced at us. Immediately he became furious and closed the laptop. He stood up and approached us.

He grabbed the collar of the kitty and threw it to a maid near us.

“Meow…” Kitty moaned.

“ Alex, what are you doing?” I cry out loud.

“It's a big mistake to get a pet for you.” He murmured.

He paused and added, “ After you got this animal you totally forgot about me.” He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the garage.

He threw me inside the car and took the driver's seat and drove out of the forest area.

“ if you continue to avoid me or distance yourself from me. one fine day that kitten will be in your dish.”

I gazed at him angrily.

“ Now where are you taking me?” I asked.

“ You forgot our wedding anniversary and you are questioning me .”

I shut my mouth and turned my face toward the window.