
I settled inside the car. I put on the seatbelt. Before I drove out. I took my cell phone to find out where my father was. But before I gave him a call, He called me and asked me to come to his office.

I hung up the call and drove to the destination.

Soon I entered the building. Everyone greeted me as they passed by me. I went to my father’s office room. Without knocking I went inside.

My father looked away from the files.

“ Don’t you have any manners, Risa? You have to knock first and then enter.” He scolded me.

“ Now go and come back again.”

I sighed.

I went out of the room. I stood in front of the door. I knocked on the door and came inside.

“ Dad,” I said.

“ Yes. Wait a minute.” He ordered as he went through the files line by line.

After a few minutes. He closed the file.

He removed his spectacles and stared at me.

“ I gave you work but still it's incomplete.” He yelled.