The End

My mind was not with me after the operation. My mind was totally occupied with only his words. His cruel words.

I took my steps forward. Tears fell from my eyes.

I looked down. Finally, I can go to my child and be with him.

I closed my eyes and made up my mind.

Suddenly the door of the terrace opened.

I opened my eyes.

I turned and looked at the person. It was Martin.

His eyes popped out when he noticed where I was standing.

“ What are you doing there?” he panicked.

“ Finally I can go and see my child,” I said with a smile.

" Risa, come down. It's not safe for you to stand there. " Martin screamed.

I smiled.

He tried to tell me but Alex's presence made him stop. “ Your child isn’t……”

Alex showed up. Alex gazed at him. Martin gulped.

" Alex, save her. " Martin pushed Alex.

Alex just stared at me and sarcastically he said “ If you want to jump, just jump off.”

" Alex..." Martin tried to speak up.

Alex glared at him and continued with his words.