Season 2

" Let's get a divorce. " Alex coldly says.

I stop my movement. A tear falls from my eyes.

" Good. " I say, quickly wiping off the tears.

His assistant passes the file to me.

He orders. " Sign it. "

I take the file and look into it. " oh, it's already signed. " I murmured.

I look into the terms and conditions.

" As for the agreement, after you sign it you will get 10 million dollars. "

" I d-don't need it. " I say.

" I want both of us to make a statement to the public about our divorce with our divorce certificate. " I look at him.

He hesitates but nods his head.

I take the pen and am about to sign the papers. But I can't.

But still, I have to do this to save my child from this monster.

I push myself to sign on the file.

I place the pen on top of the file. I look at the ring. I close my eyes. The scene flashes in my mind. When he slid the ring into my finger. I close my eyes as I remove the ring and place it on top of the file.